雅思口语part2描述一个名人 雅思口语一个名人

1 雅思 口语话题重要名人
雅思口语话题种类很多,所以想要在完胜雅思口语,重在积累,下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语话题重要名人的资料,欢迎查阅 。

雅思口语part2描述一个名人 雅思口语一个名人


Describe a popular person
You should say:
Who the person is
What kind of person he or she is
Why you think this person is popular
How this person influences the public
This popular person is a Hong Kong singer named Jackie Cheung. He has a nickname God of Songs because of his amazing voice and singing skills. He has been active on stage for more than three decades, so his fans are of different age groups. Even my father is a huge fan of his. His famous songs like goodbye kiss were so popular that everybody could sing it. And that album was one of the best selling albums of all time. Apart from singing, he has also acted in many movies and has won many awards for his acting. Unlike many celebrities who have negative gossips in their personal lives, he is also regarded a very upright and responsible person who has donated a lot money to charity. I think he is a very nice man, and all my friends think highly of him too. Even though he is more than 50 years old now, he still sings regularly at concerts. His concerts always attract hundreds and thousands of fans from around China. Through his singing, he conveys a positive message to all his fans.
Describe a song that reminds you of a particular time.
You should say:
what it is about
what particular time it reminds you
how often you listen to it
and explain why you think it is special to you.
I’m sure a lot of people have a song that reminds them of their first kiss or a childhood memory, but one song that always brings a smile to my face is Gangnam Style by the South Korean artist, Psy.
The song is all in Korean, so I’m not particularly sure what it is about. I know that Gangnam is a rich area of the Seoul, the capital of South Korea, a bit like Beverly Hills in California. The video for the song is very random, with tongue-in-cheek jokes about money and being wealthy.
When I hear the song, it takes me back to my time at university. I can remember when it first started to appear on the internet, on social media and video sites like YouKu. I would watch it with my roommates in my dorm and in class on my phone. Then it really took off and it seemed to be everywhere, in shops, on TV and especially in bars and nightclubs.
Back then I used to listen to Gangnam Style all the time, you couldn’t really escape it, but nowadays it isn’t played so often. It’s been overtaken by new catchy songs like Xiao Pingguo, which means ‘little apple’.
【雅思口语part2描述一个名人 雅思口语一个名人】To be honest, these days I find the song a bit annoying. I think it was overplayed and people got tired of it. But I guess it still holds a special place in my mind as it reminds me of being young and at university, of staying up late with my friends and watching videos on the internet until the early hours.
1. Do you often look in the mirror?
思路:可以回答经常照镜子,比如臭美一下,或者检查有没有眼屎,不然就丑大了;当然喜欢化浓妆的人,可能得经常照镜子,尤其是大热天和暴雨天,眼线很容易花的 。如果有同学说不怎么照镜子,也是可以嗒,比如只有要挤脸上痘痘时才会想到去找别人借一下镜子 。
误区:即使平时不怎么照镜子,同学们也要试试进行一定的扩展,比如上一次照镜子或者无意中路过瞥了一眼是什么时候啦,都是可以的 。

雅思口语part2描述一个名人 雅思口语一个名人


look into the mirror 照镜子
every now and then 偶尔/有时
check my make-up 检查妆容
check my good looks 查看美丽的外表
check how I look 检查下美不美
hair style 发型
with the help of… 在……的帮助下
get rid of… = remove… 去掉……
sleepies 眼屎
stick around 粘着
be addicted to… 沉迷于……
get smudged 晕染了
embarrass oneself 丢脸
Well, sometimes! You know, I’m a lady and I’ve got to make sure I look good 24/7. Plus, every now and then I need to check if I’ve got any sleepies sticking around the corner of my eye.
I guess so. You might not know this, but I’m quite addicted to heavy make-ups and that. So I kind of have to constantly check my face to see if I’ve got my eyeliners smudged. Otherwise I could potentially scare some people. Did that once actually. Was pouring that day, so my whole face was all gone.
Not particularly. You know what, I don’t even own a mirror to be honest. But sometimes I do borrow other people’s mirror for a second just to check the spot on my face. Other than that, I don’t really spend much time looking in some mirrors.
2. Do you often buy mirrors?
思路:不怎么买镜子,我的大部分镜子都是免费的 。要么是朋友给的,还有粉饼盒子,它们里面自带镜子的;或者是杂志里面送的赠品 。
误区:有的同学会就用粉饼盒子当镜子,但是英文又不确定怎么讲,没关系的,稍微解释一下就行‘I just use my face powder box or container, you know they always come with a powder puff as well as a mirror’
free gift 赠品
cosmetic products 化妆品
blusher 腮红
foundation powder 粉饼
plastic wrapping 塑料包装纸
Not at all. In fact, most of the mirrors I’ve got are free, I think. They are either from my friends or just came in some magazines, you know they always put some free gifts in the plastic wrapping.
3. Where do you put mirrors?
思路:可以按照化妆用的小镜子和放家里的大镜子一起分开讲 。小镜子一般随身带,塞在手提包里就好了 。放在室内的大镜子一般放在浴室啊,门口都行 。但是不敢放一个大镜子在卧室,因为恐怖片看多了,害怕;也担心风水 。
误区:我们听到题目可能会有些困惑,不知道考官指的是什么镜子 。其实这里也没有必要去问考官他或她指的是家里那种大镜子还是小镜子,直接自己分成两种情况去讲就好啦 。
hang… on the wall 挂在墙上
hang… in the bathroom 挂在浴室
be scared 害怕
horror films 恐怖片
all those years 这么多年来
avoid doing… 避免做……
Well, if you mean the baby ones for my make-ups and that, I always just stuff them in my handbag. But when it comes to the bigger mirrors, you know the ones you put in the house, I think I might prefer to have one on my bathroom wall or anywhere else except in my bedroom, cause I would be quite scared. You know, I’ve watched too many creepy horror films all those years.
You should say:
When you received it
Who sent it
What it was about
Why it was important to you
Ok, well I suppose one of the most important letters I’ve received was an offer letter from a university I applied to – Leeds University, to be precise – so that’s what I think I’ll talk about.
And as for who the letter was from, well, I can't quite remember the name of the actual person who wrote it, I’m afraid, but if I’m not mistaken, it was sent by the university admissions office, who I guess are responsible for handling such matters.
Anyway, regarding what the letter was about, well basically, it was just informing me that I had been accepted onto their Master’s program in Finance, so it was really great news for me, because this was the course that I most wanted to study, and out of all the various universities that I applied to, Leeds was definitely top of my list, as it was the one that most appealed to me, in terms of both the course content and social life.
So, as you can imagine, I was over the moon after receiving the offer. I mean, it felt like all the years of hard work I’ve put into my studies seemed to have finally paid off, so it was like a dream come true for me, it really was.
And finally then, with regard to why this letter was important, well, I think it goes without saying that it was extremely important, because essentially, it means that I’m gonna be able to study abroad, which I’m sure will have a huge impact on my future career, as it will hopefully enable me to apply for jobs which I wouldn’t have otherwise been considered for.
And as well as this, I reckon that studying abroad will help me become more mature and independent, which I’ve noticed has happened with a few of my friends who have spent some time abroad, and I’m sure this’ll have a positive effect on my life in general.
So it’s a big opportunity for me, and I’m really looking forward to it!