如何用英文做自我介绍国籍学校年龄 如何用英文做自我介绍五年级

【如何用英文做自我介绍国籍学校年龄 如何用英文做自我介绍五年级】 如何用英文做自我介绍
在工作中我们经常都会遇到外国友人,和外国友人沟通的第一步就是要向外国友人介绍自己 。那么应该使用哪些英语句型做自我介绍呢?小编广州华尔街英语今日要和各位分享一些用英语作自我介绍的几个句子哦!
1、I am 20 years old and have been employed in the company's delivery office for the last 2 years.我今年20岁,过去两年在一个公司做收发工作 。
2、I am a person of determination and I like playing car racing.我是个很果断的人,爱好赛车 。
3、I am nearsighted and I have been wearing glasses since I was little.我是近视眼,从小就戴眼镜 。
4、I've worked in a multinational as an automation software test engineer for 2 years.我在一家跨国公司做了两年的自动化软件测试工程师 。
5、My birthplace is Suzhou and I was born in a middle-sized family.我出生在苏州一个中等人口的家庭 。
5、I was the Academic Pace-setter in college and I was a government-supported student. 大学时我是学习标兵,还是公费生 。
6、I have passion in being a chef and I have a chef's certificate.我很喜欢做厨师,还有厨师资格证 。