英语口语表达感谢的句子 英语表达感谢口语

语言是交流的工具,语言学习的比较好方法是“以练为本” 。大家都知道“说”很重要,用跟自己生活没有关系的材料练习口语,根本不算“使用语言” 。深圳汉普森英语小编为您整理了关于表示感谢的英语口语对话,以真实的文秘工作和生活为背景进行“场景会话教学”,充分考虑了语言学习的自然过程,强调纯正的工作和生活用语,重在对话和交流,易于学习和掌握 。让我们一起来学习吧 。
【Dialogue 1】
A: How do you do, Mr. Wilson? This is Lin Li. I'mcalling to thank you for the wonderful dinner wehad yesterday. I enjoyed it very much.B: You're welcome. I'd like you to join us for dinneragain sometime.A: Thank you, Mr. Wilson. I'm returning to Chinatoday.B: Today?A: Yes. I appreciate all help and in particular, all thetime that you've spent on my account during mystay here.B: Don't mention it, Miss Lin. You did an excellentjob for strengthening business relationship betweenour two companies. I'm pleased to help you.A: If there's anything that 1 can help you in the future,please let me know.
【英语口语表达感谢的句子 英语表达感谢口语】A:你好,威尔逊先生,我是林莉 。我打电话向你致谢,感谢你昨晚为我们准备的丰盛晚餐 。我非常喜欢 。B:不用客气 。我希望有时间你能再同我们共进晚餐 。A:谢谢,威尔逊先生 。今天我要返回中国了 。B:今天?A:是的 。我感谢你给我提供的所有帮助,特别是我留在这儿期间你为我所花费的一切时间 。B:不用客气,林小姐 。你为进一步加强我们两家公司间的商务关系做出了卓有成效的工作 。我很高兴对你有所帮助 。A:如果将来有什么能帮得上忙的,请告诉我一声 。
【Dialogue 2】
A: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Bill Eden, SalesManager?B: This is Eden speaking.A: Oh, hello, Mr. Eden. This is Zhang Hua callingfrom Washington.B: Oh, hello, Miss Zhang. How are you?A: Fine, thanks and how are you, Mr. Eden? We'releaving Washington for China tomorrow. I justwant to thank you again for everything you havedone for us.B: Don't mention it. I do hope that you and your friendshave had a happy stay in our country, and will comeback to America some day in the future. Please give my best wishes to all my friends in China.A: I'm sure we will have occasion to meet again. Bye.B: And thanks for calling me, Bye. Have a safejourney home.
A:喂,我想和销售经理比尔·埃顿先生讲话,可以吗?B:我是埃顿 。A:你好,埃顿先生,我是张华,从华盛顿给你打电话 。B:啊,是张小姐,你好吗?A:很好,谢谢你,埃顿先生 。我们明天将离开华盛顿回中国 。我要再次感谢你为我们所做的一切 。B:没什么 。我真希望你和你的朋友在我们国家生活快乐,将来有时间再来美国 。请转达我对你的中国朋友的良好祝愿 。A:我相信我们还会有机会相见的 。再见 。B:谢谢你给我打电话,再见 。祝你平安到家 。
【表示感谢的英语典型句型】1.I'm calling to thank you for the wonderful dinner we had yesterday.我打电话向你致谢,感谢你昨晚为我们准备的丰盛晚餐 。2.You're welcome. I'd like you to join us for dinner again sometime.不用客气 。我希望有时间你能再同我们共进晚餐 。3. If there's anything that I can help you in the future,please let me know.如果将来有什么能帮得上忙的,请告诉我一声 。3. I'm sure we will have occasion to meet again. Bye.我相信我们还会有机会相见的 。再见 。5. And thanks for calling me, Bye. Have a safe journey home.谢谢你给我打电话,再见 。祝你平安到家 。6.I'm glad I could be of some assistance. Let me know if you have any more questions later.我很高兴能够帮助你,如果你以后还有什么问题,尽管跟我说 。7. If there's ever anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to let me know.如果你有什么需要我帮忙的,一定要告诉我一声 。8. I'm most grateful.非常感谢 。