初一英语时态选择题 关于时态的英语单选题高中

时态是动词形式,不同的时态用来表示不同的时间和方式 。英语考试中,时态题是必考部分 。这是边肖收藏的初中英语时态单选题目 。让我们来看看!
【2010福建.龙岩】40. Miss Gao came to our school in 2006. She _____ here for four years.
A. teaches B. taught C. has taught
【解析】现在完成时态 。由句中的介词for可判断 。它是现在完成时态的标志 。
【2010福建.龙岩】44. — John, you can’t go out to play until your homework _____.
— OK, Mum.
A. finishes B. has finished C. is finished
【解析】被动语态 。根据句意应该是工作被做完,一般现在时的被动语态的结构“系词+过去分词”故选C 。

初一英语时态选择题 关于时态的英语单选题高中


【2010四川·广安】37. —When did the old man die? —In 2007. He ______ for nearly three years.
A. died B. has died C. has been dead
【2010四川·广安】40. —Do you know when the 29th Olympic Games ______? —Yes, in 2008.
A. hold B. is held C. was held
【2010甘肃.定西】( ) 7. —How many god medals did China _______ at the 2010 Winter Olympics?
A. win B. to win C. winning D. won
【解析】本题是时态的考查 。句意:——中国在2010年冬奥会上赢得了多少枚金牌?——5枚 。问句的时态是一般过去时,在助动词did中体现了这种失态,所以后面的动词就用原形,故选A 。
(1) 当几个过去的动作用and, then, but等连接,且按照动作发生的先后顺序表达时,几个动作均可用一般过去:
I bought a radio but lost it. 我买了一部收音机,但丢了 。
Very soon she apologized and left. 不久她表示了歉意就走了 。
He retired and wrote his memoirs. 他退休了,撰写了他的回忆录 。
He stood up, took his coat and went out. 他站起身来,拿起外套,然后就出去了 。
The little girl alternately sulked and made scenes. 这小姑娘一会儿生闷气,一会儿和人吵架 。

初一英语时态选择题 关于时态的英语单选题高中


(2) 由after, before, as soon as 等连词引导时间状语从句,由于这些连词已经清楚地表明了主从句谓语动词的先后顺序,所以对于先发生的动作也可用一般过去时表示:
【初一英语时态选择题 关于时态的英语单选题高中】I told them the news after you (had) left. 你走后我把这消息告诉了他们 。
As soon as I (had) put the phone down it rang again. 我刚把电话一放下,它又响了 。
1. 表示“将来完成”
即表示到将来某个时间为止势必会完成或预计要完成的动作 。如:
When we get there, she’ll have gone to work. 我们到那里时她会已上班去了 。
I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 我预料到明天你就会改变主意了 。
2. 表示“持续”
即表示某种状况将一直持续到说话人所提及的某一将来时间 。如:
We will have been married a year on June 25th. 到6月25日我们俩结婚就满1年了 。
By this time next week, I will have been working for this company for 24 years. 到下星期此刻,我就已经为该公司干了24年了 。
3. 表示“推测
即表示根据某情况作出的推测 。如:
That will have been Roland. He said he’d be back at 7. 准是罗兰 。他说他7点钟回来 。
There will have been a definite result before Friday. 星期五以前肯定会有结果 。
将来进行时由“will be+现在分词”构成 。如:
I’ll be doing jobs about the house tomorrow 明天我将要干些家务活 。
I’ll be staying late at the office this evening. 我将在办公室里待到比较晚 。