口语已经变得越来越重要,因为拥有标准口语的人无论是在生活中还是在职场中都会有不一样的氛围和更大的竞争力 。我今天和你分享了怎样用英语口语表达丢脸 。来看看吧!

lose face
Be embarrassed or humiliated, especially publicly.
感到尴尬、受到羞辱,尤其在公共场合 。
For example, Terry lost face when his assistant was promoted and became his boss.
例如:特里的助理升职了,称为了他的老板,他觉得很丢脸 。
Both this expression and the underlying concept come from Asia; the term itself is a translation of the Chinese tiu lien and has been used in English since the late 1800s.
这个短语以及它背后的深层含义都来源于亚洲;短语本身翻译自中文的“丢脸”,自19世纪之后,在英语中也适用 。
与lose face同理,中文里的很多短语都被收录到正式的英语中,例如我们常说的long time no see(好久不见),good good study day day up (好好学习天天向上)等等 。
这就是应验了那句:谎言说了一千遍,就成为了真理 。
lose face;
be disgraced;
Your behaviour will disparage the whole family .
你的行为将使全家丢脸 。
His treatment of her made her feel cheap .
他那样对待她,她觉得很丢脸 。
I would have been revealing something shameful .
我泄露了某件丢脸的事 。
Pen forgot his humiliation in his surprise .
潘吃惊得忘记了那件丢脸的事 。
His conduct reflects on his parents .
他的行为使他父母丢脸 。
You can't want to see me ridiculous .
你不愿意眼看我丢脸吧 。
I haven't discredited to delawares .
我没有给特拉华人丢脸 。
Present conditions are disgraceful .
眼下的情况是丢脸的 。
The semi-drunk, though beaten, was not disgraced .
半醉汉虽然失败,却并不丢脸 。

A: The last thing I want to see is to lose face before my friends.
我最不希望见到的事情就是在朋友面前丢脸 。
【我喜欢丢脸用英语怎么说 丢脸英语怎么写】B: That’s really unbearable. 那实在难以忍受 。
A: But you know, things cannot always go as you expect.
但是你知道,事情岂能尽如人意 。
B: So get prepared for everything.
所以对任何事情都要有思想准备 。
1. Don't make a fool of yourself.
2. Don't play the fool.
别丢人了 。
3. Don't make an ass out of yourself.
别现眼了 。
4. Stop acting like a fool.
别傻了 。
5. Think about where you are.
请注意场合 。
6. You should consider where you are.
请注意场合 。
7. Act your age.
你也不看看你多大了 。
8. You should act your age.
你也不看看你多大了 。
9. Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age!
你的行为举止应该跟你的年龄相符 。
10. You should behave more maturely.
你该表现得更成熟些 。
11. You shouldn't act like a child.
别像个孩子似的 。
12. You should get your head out of the clouds.
你的想法太离谱了 。
13. Don't make such stupid mistakes again!
别再犯这种愚蠢的错误了 。
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