初中英语动词 asked是什么意思


初中英语动词 asked是什么意思


今天分享初中英语动词 —— ask
asks(三单)- asking(现在分词)- asked(过去式)- asked(过去分词)
ask 译为“问,询问,请求,寻求”
He asked me a question.
【初中英语动词 asked是什么意思】他问了我一个问题 。
“Where are you going?” he asked.
My brother always asks me for help.
我弟弟经常找我寻求帮助 。

初中英语动词 asked是什么意思


ask sb. (about) sth. 询问某人某事
My teacher asked me (about) my family.
老师询问了我的家庭情况 。
Mom asked me (about) my summer plan.
妈妈问了我的暑假计划 。
ask sb. for sth. (向某人)请/寻求…,(向某人)要…
ask for help 请求帮助
ask for money 要钱
ask for advice 寻求建议
If you are in trouble, you can ask the police for help.
She is not young any more, and shouldn’t ask her parents for money.
她不再年轻了,不应该找父母要钱 。
ask sb. to do sth. 让/叫某人做某事
ask sb. not to do sth. 让/叫某人不要做某事
Mom asks me to go to bed before 10:00.SVB
妈妈叫我10点前睡觉 。
Mr. Wang asked you to go to his office.
王先生叫你去他办公室 。
Our teacher asked us not to swim in the river.
老师让我们不要在河里游泳 。
ask + 特殊疑问词 + 句子 (宾语从句)
ask + 特殊疑问词 + to do
He asked whether to go or stay.
He asked whether he could go or stay.
他问是否可以离开了 。
May I ask how I can get to the library?
May I ask how to get to the library?