yearn是什么意思中文翻译 yearn是什么意思英语

yearn是什么意思中文翻译 yearn是什么意思英语


yearn的中文释义为渴望,思念,音标为[j??rn] 。例句:All of us actually yearn for a slow and calm life. 事实上,我们都渴望一个缓慢而平静的生活 。
yearn英 [j??n] 美 [j??rn]vi. 渴望,向往;思念,想念;怀念
yearn for 渴望
yearn towards 向往……;想念
All of us actually yearn for a slow and calm life.
事实上,我们都渴望一个缓慢而平静的生活 。
Every night I yearn for sleep, I strive for it; yet it flutters on ahead of me like a curtain.
每天晚上我都渴望睡眠,我努力想要睡着,但睡眠像窗帘一样在我面前飘动 。
A few people who yearn for love bename the tree as “Sweethearts bird”.
一些对向往爱情的人将这种树取名为“鸳鸯树” 。
We yearn for success and towards excellence!
There is nothing mysterious about this; in every aspect of life, we yearn for things to be regular and parallel.
【yearn是什么意思中文翻译 yearn是什么意思英语】这点没有任何神秘的;生活中的每一方面,我们都渴望事物是有规律和对等的 。