高考英语作文范文及赏析 高考英语作文范文

求高考英语作文最常用的范文5.6篇Life, I find that too many people to thank, thank the teachers taught me, thank my friends for supporting me, thank the students to take care of me, I am most grateful to the mother or father, they My love is meticulous cultivation and I’ll never forget their kindness.
I want to thank my mother, she is a teacher, but also my friend. A child, I encountered something happy or sad, always looking for my mother to talk to, how busy mother also lay down the work at hand, patiently listened to my words that is full of childish, after listening to my mother always has something good words to coax me happy, in short, I met an unhappy thing, the first thought is my mother, perhaps, someone will ask why? I always smiled and replied: because my mother is my friend, because my mother is my friend. Either before or now, an encounter unhappy things, the first thought is my mother. Thanks Mom, thanks to my friend.
Of course, my mother was not only my close friends, or my “good teacher.” Every day I came home from school, homework will not play if the mother would laugh and said to me: “good macro, you can not finish the first job in the fun?” I would blushing replied: ” Yes, “I gradually get rid of this bad habit, learn, if I do not meet the subject, my mother always, will come over, explain to me over and over again until I understand what you said I The good teacher is not very competent ah. Thanks Mom, thanks to my “good teacher.”
My mother is both a “good teacher” or my “guardian angel.” One night, my father on business. I suddenly feel like there are countless needle body in the thorn-like discomfort, such as lying on the stove as hot, throat especially uncomfortable. Exception of my mother to see, touch a mold of my forehead, said: “so hot ah, may a high fever.” She took a volume of the thermometer, “ah, 40 ℃”, have to get to the hospital, “said, I rushed to hold a nearby hospital emergency room, let the doctor help me diagnose the troubles. After a child, the doctor told me I had the flu, high fever, to an intravenous drip. I heard the shots but also to an intravenous drip legs look soft ( Because I fear injections), some earnestly persuaded by her mother, and I finally bite the bullet and accepted the treatment. when the big needle bar turns small needle me, I can not stand the pain, tears, “Pakistani Palestinian despair despair” to fell off. mother side of the cheeks to help me wipe the tears as he encouraged me: “Son, brave. This is a test of our life, get over, you’re a little man! “After listening to my mother, my peace of mind a lot, unconsciously, I was lying in bed asleep. When I woke up, my mother still keep next to me. You say my” guardian angel “is not very dedicated ah, ah, thanks Mom, thanks to my “guardian angel”! 2010年普通高等学校招生考试全国卷1作文题 。漫画作文 。餐桌,许多猫吃鱼,就一只猫捉老鼠,别的猫说:“有鱼吃还捉老鼠? 全国卷2: 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章 。今年世界读书日这天,网上展开了关于“浅阅读”的讨论 。甲:什么是浅阅读?乙:就是追求简单轻松、实用有趣的阅读嘛,浅阅读很时髦日 。丙:如今是读图时代,人们喜欢视觉上的冲击和享受 。丁:浅阅读就像吃快餐,好吃没营养,积累不了什么知识 。乙:社会竞争激烈,生活节奏这么快,大家压力这么大,我想深阅读,慢慢品味,行吗?丙:人人都有自己的阅读喜好,浅阅读流行,阅读就更个性化和多样化了,挺好 。丁:我很怀念过去的日子——斜倚在书店的一角,默默地读书,天黑了都不知道 。甲:浅阅读中,我们是不是失去了什么?要求选准角度、明确立意,自选体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭 。2010普通高等学校招生考试新课标全国作文题阅读下面材料,按要求作文 。有一种热带观赏鱼,把它放在鱼缸里,不管养多长时间,也只能长到两三寸长 。但是把它在大水池中,两三个月就能长到一尺多长 。狼是一种对周边环境充满兴趣的动物,正是因为它不断探索、不断体验,使它能够躲避风险,觅得食物,得以生存下来 。著名心理学家罗森塔尔随意抽取了18名学生,并把名单交给了班任,并说,他们是很有潜力的学生 。由于班任对这18名学生予以特别照顾和关怀,不久以后,他们的成绩都有提高 。这些材料启发我们,人的成才是有规律的 。要求:自选2010年普通高等学校招生考试北京卷作文题 。以仰望星空与脚踏实地为题 。写一篇不少于800字的文章,除诗歌外,不限文体 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试天津卷作文题 。话题作文《我生活的世界》,不少于800字2010年普通高等学校招生考试重庆卷作文题 。以“难题”为题目,写一篇文章 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试江苏卷作文题 。绿色,生机勃勃,赏心悦目 。绿色,与生命、生态紧密相连 。今天,绿色成为崭新的理念,与每个人的生活息息相关 。请以“倡导绿色生活”为题写一篇不少于800字的文章 。要求:①角度自选;②立意自定;③除诗歌外,文体自选 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试广东卷作文题 。命题作文《与你为邻》:你我为邻,相互依存 。你可以是有形的,也可以是无形的 。邻,无法回避,却可有所选择 。请你联系自己的生活体验和感受,以《与你为邻》为标题写一篇文章 。不少于800字 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试浙江卷作文题 。命题作文:“角色转换之间”传说有的雏鸟长大后,会衔食喂养衰老的母鸟 。人们把此现象称为“反哺” 。人类社会也存在类似现象 。年轻一代对年长一代的文化影响被称之为“文化反哺” 。千百年来,在以父辈对子辈施教为主流的正统传承方式下,文化反哺犹如潜流引而不现,但在迅疾变化的当今社会,年轻人获得了前所未有的反哺能力 。他们在科学知识、价值观念、生活方式、审美情趣等各个方面,越来越明显地影响着年长一代,施教者与受教者之间,角色常常发生转换 。以“角色转换之间”为题,可以讲述故事,抒发情感,也可以发表见解 。文体除诗歌外不限,字数在800字以上 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试山东卷作文题 。人生的一切变化,一切都有魅力,一切都是由光明和阴影构成的,要求根据以上的材料来写一篇800字以上的文字 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试湖北卷作文题 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试上海卷作文题 。根据以下材料,选取一个角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌) 。丹麦人去钓鱼会随身带一把尺子,钓到鱼,常常用尺子量一量,将不够尺寸的小鱼放回河里 。他们说:“让小鱼长大不更好吗?”两千多年前,我国孟子曾说过“数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也 。”意思是,不要用细密的渔网在池塘里捕捞小鱼,这样才会有更多的鱼 。实际上,其中的道理也贯穿在我们现实生活中的许多方面 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试江西卷作文题为什么要找回童年?因为现在社会太功利了,小朋友们压力过大,童年早已离开 。现在的社会需要纯真,需要找回童年 。重点关注“找回”这个动词 。记叙议论都可以,文体要明确 。2010年普通高等学校招生考试辽宁卷作文题阅读下面的材料,自拟主题作文,最少800字,除了诗歌题材不限 。托尼3岁的时候把手伸进糖罐去抓糖,结果抓的糖
In early Monday, monitor said Saturday a hearts activities, ask me if I want to attend, of course I am willing to, I and roommate small white together. This activity was applied by our wuhan university of science and technology, and sponsored by youth volunteer association of voluntary participation.
This is my second time participates in the school organization heart activity, The Times or in May, by school HKCSS organization May 4th hearts activities, to a nursing home visit GuGuaLao, unique dancing, singing and exult, for old are take a light greetings. The activity I just sang a shaoxing opera, hehe!
This activity theme is hearts, according to the introduction is one of the central China agricultural college students suffer from severe, the doctor said need immediate do change renal surgery, operation is 50 million ?

高考英语作文范文及赏析 高考英语作文范文

高中英语作文How I Spent My Summer Vacation(1)
The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned.
2.How I Spent My Summer Vacation(2)
Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32″C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation(3)
I spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation I simply could not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. Though those examinations were still a year away, I had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things I had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. At first I was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later I thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer I could count on endless happy summers to come. With this in mind I then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.
3.Previous two days suddenly blew the gale, the weather as soon asdropped 7, 8, morning lay down on the bed, look at outside the windowthe crazy undulation tree, a summer such has passed by, this was mylast summer vacation, this summer vacation was I in the home dull timelongest summer vacation, occasionally went to grandfather the family,exited except and the good friend plays is staying in the home,because began school late, finally two week also nobody accompanied meto exit plays, I unexpectedly one continually stayed in the home 5day, Lian Mendu had not left, Last the summer vacation harvests alsomany, I learned to prepare food, watched several Han play, althoughthe plot was approximately same, but or liked.Although all is therepetition similar life daily, but two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study!
4.Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32″C or more. Because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. Also because of this I stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. In the summer vacation that has just ended I went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. This summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. As a second-year senior student I had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. In other words, I must find time to study, too. So I divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.
5.Summer Job
The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, August).
Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, ask friends relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually
solved the problem begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.
Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others workfor the fun of it.
【高考英语作文范文及赏析 高考英语作文范文】Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.