dog days are over背景

dog days are over背景

大家好,小耶来为大家解答以上的问题 。dog days are over背景这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Dog Days Are OverThe Dog Days Are Over是乐队Florence and the Machine首张专辑「Lungs」的开场曲,曾用作美剧谍影迷情Covert Affairs第一季第一集的插曲 。
2、后被选作美剧《欢乐合唱团Glee 》第二季中的歌曲 。
3、并在《我是歌手》第九期作为尚雯婕的返场曲目 , 被重新演绎 。
4、目 录1简介2英文歌词3中文歌词1简介开场曲"Dog Days Are Over",徘徊在Folk与Pop的边缘,加上Florence韧性十足的演绎功力 , 很难不让人深深着迷 。
5、2英文歌词Happiness,hit hurt like a train on a trackComing towards her,stuck still no turning backShe hid around corners and she hid under bedsShe killed it with kisses and from it she fledWith every bubble she sank with a drinkand washed it away down the kitchen sinkThe dog days are overThe dog days are doneThe horses are coming so you better runRun fast for your mother run fast for your fatherRun for your children and your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan’t carry it with you if you want to surviveThe dog days are overthe dog days are doneCan’t you hear the horsesCuz here they comeAnd I never wanted anything from youExcept everything you hadand what was left after that too. oh.Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mindStuck them up drainpipesby someone who should know better than thatThe dog days are overThe dog days are gonecan you hear the horsesCuz here they comeRun fast for your mother and fast for your fatherRun for your children for your sisters and brothersLeave all your love and your loving behind youCan’t carry it with you if you want to surviveThe dog days are overThe dog days are goneCan you hear the horsesCuz here they comeThe dog days are overThe dog days are gone...The horses are coming so you better run3中文歌词幸福,像疾驰的火车般向她袭来,追逐着她直到她无路可退她躲在角落里,藏在床底下她用她的吻扼杀了“幸福”然后逃离了随着无数的气泡,一杯酒后她进入沉醉然后把它洗去 在厨房的水槽中炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了骏马飞奔而来所以你最好赶快奔跑为了你的母亲和你的父亲拼命奔跑为了你的孩子和兄弟姐们拼命奔跑把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了你能听到马蹄声吗它们已经来了我从来不想从你身上获得什么除了你所拥有的一切和全部未来幸福就像摄入后背的子弹向她袭来由一个来自天堂的某人射出他应该知道这样不对炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了你能听到马蹄声吗它们已经来了所以你最好赶快奔跑为了你的母亲和你的父亲拼命奔跑为了你的孩子和兄弟姐们拼命奔跑把你的爱人以及爱情远远抛在身后只有摆脱这些你才能继续生存炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了你能听到马蹄声吗它们已经来了炎炎夏日结束了炎炎夏日结束了骏马飞奔而来所以你最好赶快奔跑dog days,牛津翻译为:酷暑期,还举了一个例子:the dog days of summer 夏日的酷暑期 。
6、千万别翻译成狗日子已经结束了 。
7、dog days是三伏天,大热天的意思 , 翻译过来是“酷暑已经过去”看到大概三种解释 1炎炎夏日过去了 2无所事事的日子结束了 3好运到头了/要开始倒霉了 ( ̄▽ ̄") 到底是哪种 。
8、The Dog Days Are Over是乐队Florence and the Machine首张专辑「Lungs」的开场曲 , 曾用作美剧谍影迷情Covert Affairs第一季第一集的插曲 。
9、后被选作美剧《欢乐合唱团Glee 》第二季中的歌曲 。
10、并在《我是歌手》第九期作为尚雯婕的返场曲目 , 被重新演绎 。
11、三伏天(夏天里最炎热烦躁的几天)结束了 。
12、dog days:三伏天 。
【dog days are over背景】本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。