
花时间造句怎么造?1、It takes he two hours to study.他花了两个小时学习 。
2、It takes me two hours to study English everyday.学习英语每天花费我两个小时.3、It takes him two hours every week to do the housework.他每周用两 。
花时间 用英语如何说这里的花不是一朵花的花哦好多表达方式呢,例如: 1. take a lot of time; be time-consuming很花时间 2. How long will that take?要花多长时间? 3. Taking up much time.花许多时间的 4. Spend some time alone every day.。
花时间做某事是什么短语?spend a lot of time doing sth.spend+时间/金钱+doing sth.表示"花多少时间/金钱做某事 。
1、Spend time doing what you want to do!花时间做你想做的事情!2、And they don't need to spend time doing what has 。
花时间做某事 英语表达方式 全部spend some time in doing Sth花时间做某事.Spend some time in doing sth. I spend two hours in doing my homework every day. Used to do.过去常常做某事,现在不做了 。
Alex I'm going to spend some time in。
值得花时间的英文短语【花时间花店,花时间陪伴某人英语】值得花时间的英文短语:worth time 。