
九上英语作业本答案【九上英语作业本答案2022,九上英语作业本答案浙教版2021】1. There are at l___ eight hundred students in our school.2. He was late again because of the busy t___.3. You could write a thank-you n___.4. How old is the b___?Only two months.5. Man 。
九年级上册英语作业本配人教版答案When May comes, it means the golden week is coming. People will have a public holiday for three days’ off. Since the vacation of golden week has cut to three days, it still can’t stop people’s ent 。
九年级英语金指课堂的答案英语课堂作业本九年级答案 【篇一:九年级英语课堂作业unit1_5】txt>section a第一次作业<section a>根据句意及提示写单词 。
and i couldn’t understand every word.a second language.in grammar.an 。
关于九上英语作业本(2)里的一大题 。Model : Peple love his plays.→ His plays are loved by peple. They d 。你好 很高兴给你解答问题 首先说明 本人自认为英语不差 一般全校前十没问题 They do the job.→The job is done by them We read Confucius works 。
→ Confucius works(如果是本书的名字就用is) are read by us The 。