
Every man's life is not fair.
The life of each person is unfair.
If you ever feel in life that all doors are closed, remember these words: a closed door is not always locked, so give it a push at least~~~如果你觉得生命里的每扇门都关着,那请记住这句话:关上的门不一定上锁,至少再过去推一推 。




不公平的英文:UnfairUnfair 读法 英 [ˌʌnˈfeə(r)]美 [ˌʌnˈfer]作形容词的意思是:不公正的,不公平的;违反规则或准则的短语:unfair competition 不公平竞争unfair treatment 不公平待遇;区别对待unfair advantage 不公平的优势unfair dismissal 不公平解雇unfair price 不合理价格例句:Life seems so unfair sometimes.人生有时似乎非常不公平 。扩展资料fair的用法:1、fair的基本意思是“公平的,公正的”,指在处理某事的过程中采取不偏不倚的态度,着重从结果方面表示事情合理,含有当事各方都不吃亏的意味 。fair还可指事情不算好,也不算坏,处于中间位置,即“中等的,尚可的,不错的” 。fair还可指“(天气)好的,晴朗的”,引申可指“浅色的” 。2、fair后常接比赛、待遇等抽象名词 。3、fair用作副词时的意思是“公正地,直接地”,指在处理某事时保持着公平、公正的心态,确保某事达到公正的效果 。4、fair用作名词时的意思是“集市”,一般指在乡镇中举行的、定期的交易会 。引申可指“国际性的博览会” 。fair后有时可接动词不定式 。5、fair作为形容词解释为“美丽的”,这种用法现在不常用了;6、fair解释为“还算好的”或“说的过去的”意思时,短语有:fair knowledge,fair specime,fair ability;7、当fairly解释为“还算好地”或”说的过去地”,通常用来修饰褒义词,而非贬义,如fairly bad或fairly dangerous,都不可以;
世界不公平 用英语怎么说?The world is unfair.

(这个世界不公平)用英语怎么翻译啊!The world is not fair求采纳

Social injustice
英 [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs] 美 [ɪnˈdʒʌstɪs]
n. 不公平;非正义;待…不公正;冤枉;


对某人不公平用英语翻译【不公平英文】对象为人的情况下,通常用 介词to 。

不公平的 英语unfair


既然你已经放弃了这个世界,就不要抱怨他对你的不公平的英文翻译是什么?『爱上了你的笨』英文怎么翻译Fall in love with your stupid希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

这不公平…用英语怎么翻译啊!it's no fair 这是地道的口语翻译 。在美剧中可以经常听到的话 。不过it's not fair 也是可以的,正式一点 。

你这样对待我是不公平的 。用英语怎么翻译?It's unfair of you to treat me like that有不会的可以再问我

这不是不公平 ,这是嫉妒 翻译成英文It's not unfair,but jealousy!

楼上两位有个小错误,英语中不能用逗号连接两个句子 要么用分号要么用and

求社会不公平现象的英语作文中国各大城市高楼大厦一座座如春笋般的竖起,一座座的大楼巧夺天工美丽壮观,令人叹服,正是“建大厦万千,留美景人间”,但这些千万座高楼大厦离不开千千万万的农民工兄弟劳动伟大的贡献与成果 。城市有如今繁荣昌盛的发展很大程度上有农民工的功劳与贡献 。但这些农民工兄弟劳动建造了这么多的高楼大厦得到了什么呢?其实除了得到了一点点微薄血汗钱生活费之外其它什么也没有 。社会福利保障对这些农民工兄弟来说可望而不可及、想都不要想 。他们拿到这点点劳动所得工资能买得起这些楼房吗?众所周知,这绝对是天荒夜潭不可能的 。建造这些高楼大厦楼房本来就是给城市人和机关单位与有钱人居住或商业目的用的 。有的人说,城市也有穷人啊,我认为城市人再穷没有农民工穷,再苦也没有农民工苦,城市人只要有力气和一点点能力劳动工作就有“五险一金”就有生活与社会福利保障 。城市人有病的可以用医保卡看病,生孩子的还有生育保险保障,失业了也有失业保障,照样生活拿工资,没房住的可以用公积金或银行按揭买房,退休了有退休工资,哗!这是城里人多么多么美好的生活!

可是在城市打工的这些农民工兄北姐妹们,不管他(她)们建造了多少高楼大厦,在城市企业工作与工厂生产工作不管工作了多少年,对社会贡献不管贡献了多少力量?他们拿到的这些劳动所得的微薄工资,也跟城市人一样按照国家规定依法纳税扣缴个人所得税 。城市人工作与农民工工作都是工作,但享有的社会福利就有天差之别,城市人享有上述所说的“五险一金”保障 。农民工兄弟姐妹们一旦失业就什么也没有,农民工一旦出了车祸损伤或大病就死路一条没钱医治,一旦失业连吃住都成问题,可怜的中国农民工兄弟姐妹啊!这就是你们的命运 。

举实例说:我出来广州大城市工作有十七年多了,建筑行业、工厂生产行业、饮食行业,物业管理行业我都工作过,在广州工作、在广州依法纳税、在广州消费、在广州生活,不管我对广州贡献了多少,如果我老了也一样没有社会福利养老保障,还要面对现实叶落归根回到农村老家去靠子女抚养慢慢度过余生,象我这样的人在大城市有很多很多 。因此,对农民工的工作艰辛和待遇我有很深的体会,我的一位农民工兄弟在广州市市中心的天河区广州勤建物业管理公司工作了好几年了,每月所得工资跟城市户口的人一样每年向政府依法纳税一千几百元,跟上述所说的农民工一样除了工资之外没有社会福利保障,同工不同酬是指该公司中层以上的城市户口员工五天工作制工资比农村户口的高,中层及以下农民工六天工作制工资也相对较低,同人不同命是指城填户口有社会福利保障,农村户口除了应得工资之外什么福利也没有,如果不幸发生车祸农村户口的命最多也就十几万赔偿,城市户口的命是农村户口赔偿金的2倍以上,这就是城里人的命比农民工的命值钱 。城市占有了绝大部分的社会福利公共资源,许多许多边远的农村的地区还没有通公路,大部分边远的农村的教学条件丝毫没有改善,硬件与软件条件基础设施较差,农村人的孩子读书与城里人的孩子读书也不在一个同等的起跑线上,社会福利公共资源离城市较远的农村地区占不着边 。

为什么会出现现在的社会两极分化呢?这是国家政策造成的,有的人说是改革开放的必然结果,这观点我也认同,正是以前国家某位领导人提倡的先让中国一部分人先富起来 。(本人理解含义是指一部分地区区域的人先富起来,因为国家重点搞城市建设,以城市利益为主,不搞农村建设、农村利益不高)这一部分人指的是谁呢?我不说大家也许都明白了 。现在社会存在越来越严重的贫富差距就是城市人(包括有钱(权)的人)则越来越有富有,生活质量高、物质基础越来越好 。贫穷的农村人则越来越贫穷,生活质量差,物质基础没法改善,这就是城市与农村的两极分化与差距,这就是中国当今社会所面临的问题和不公平的现象 。

China's high-rise buildings in major cities, such as bamboo shoots like a seat erected, the building blocks of nature's intricate beauty of spectacular, stunning, it is "built thousands of buildings to stay beautiful world", but these 10 million high-rise buildings can not be separated Qianqian Wan million migrant workers brother, the great contributions and achievements of labor. Today, the development of cities have a very large extent the prosperity of the credit and contributions of migrant workers. However, these migrant workers labor brothers built so many high-rise buildings to be anything at all? In fact, apart has been hard-earned money a little bit of modest cost of living other than nothing.
Social welfare and security of these migrant workers for the elusive brothers, do not even think. They get this little bit of labor income wage can afford these houses do? As we all know, this is certainly days Shortage jaib impossible. The construction of these high-rise buildings has always been to the city and the authority units and the rich people who live or used for commercial purposes. Some people say the city is also poor, ah, I think the urban poor, migrant workers do not Zaiqiong, migrant workers do not suffer no matter how tough the city who have strength and ability to work a little bit of work will have "five risk a pot of gold", there life and social welfare and security. City people can be sick
Medical insurance card medical treatment, children also maternity insurance, unemployment protection is also unemployed, still living wage earners, no room can live with the provident fund or a bank mortgage and buy, retired with retirement pay, Wow! This is a city people how wonderful life!
However, those working in the city of migrant workers North brother and sisters, regardless of his (her) the number of high-rise buildings were built in urban enterprises and factories to work no matter how many years of work, contribution to society no matter how many contribute to power? They take to the meager wages of these labor income, but also with the city, like the provisions of law, paying taxes according to the state individual income tax withholding. Urban work is work and migrant workers, but there are days the social welfare enjoyed by the other poor, urban people to enjoy the above mentioned "five risk a fund" to protect. Migrant workers once they become unemployed brothers and sisters who have nothing, and
Once the migrant workers out of a car accident injury or illness had not afford medical treatment on a dead end, once room and board are not even a problem of unemployment, poor brothers and sisters in China's rural migrant workers ah! This is your destiny.
Give examples said: I work out of Guangzhou city more than seventeen years, and the construction industry, factory production industry, catering industry, property management industry, I have worked in Guangzhou, according to tax in Guangzhou in Guangzhou consumption, in Guangzhou life, no matter how much I have contributed in Guangzhou, if I am too old and lack of social welfare old-age security, but also face the reality and returning to their roots back to his rural home to go through child support, slowly through the rest of his life, people like me in the big cities many areas. Therefore, migrant workers and treatment of hard work I have a deep experience,
One of my brothers and migrant workers in Guangzhou's Tianhe District, Guangzhou downtown property management company handling construction work for several years, the monthly wages paid to the account with the city, like law, paying taxes annually to the Government several hundred thousand yuan, with the above-mentioned In addition to talking about the same as wages of migrant workers outside the lack of social welfare and security, unequal pay for equal means that the company's mid-level cities account for more than five-day work employees wages higher than the rural household, the middle and below a six-day working system wages of migrant workers is also relatively low, my colleagues in different cities and towns account life is a social welfare and security, rural household in addition to wages and no benefits beyond what is, if the unfortunate event of
Account of life in rural areas up to a car accident also hundreds of thousands of compensation, the life of the rural urban household accounts for more than 2 times the compensation, which is the city people's lives are worth more than the life of migrant workers. Cities occupy most of the social welfare of public resources, many, many remote rural areas not yet accessible by road, most of the teaching conditions in remote rural areas has not improved, hardware and software conditions, poor infrastructure, rural people's children to study with the city's children are not reading the same starting line in a social welfare of public resources in rural areas far away from the city accounted for Buzhao side.
Why is there now does social polarization? This is a result of national policy, and some say it is the inevitable result of reform and opening up, I also agree with this point of view, it was previously advocated by the leaders of the country to let a certain part of China, people get rich first. (I understand that some parts of the region is defined to mean those who get rich first, because key state urban construction project, to urban interests, avoid rural development, rural interests will not be high) This part of the people refers to who? I do not say we may all understand.
There are now more and more serious social gap between rich and poor is the urban people (including the money (right) of people) are more and more wealthy, high quality of life, material basis for getting better and better. Poor rural people are getting poorer and poorer quality of life is poor, can not improve the material basis, that is, the polarization of urban and rural areas and gaps, which is China the problems facing today's society and unfair phenomenon.


我们的生活中有许多教育不公平的现象,用英语怎么说?最好地道一些哒,谢谢大家There are a lot of unfair educational cases in our life.

这对我不公平,用英语怎么说it is unfair for me.for 表事of 表人不公平是事情对我来说 不是我不公平所以不用of

毫无疑问,这对我是不公平的 。用英语怎么说There is no doubt that this is unfair to me.

这不公平用英语翻译It's unfair.

It is so unfair in the world.
The world is so unfair .

“这个世界本来就是不公平的”这句话怎么地道地翻译“这个世界本来就是不公平的”的英文翻译 “这个世界本来就是不公平的”"This world is not fair." 重点词汇世界world; global; earth; welt本来originally; original; at first; it goes without saying; essentially就是quite right; exactly; even if; even; namely不公平unfair; unfairness; favoritism; foul play; injustice
翻译:太不公平成英文去百度查英语翻译 。

“生活是不公平的,你要去适应它”翻译成英文是什么?Life is not fair ,gei used to it

这个世界对我太不公平了 用英语怎么说?This world is too unfair to me.

这个世界不公平用英语怎么说The world is unfair.