求 呼啸山庄 和 简爱 中的英文名句 简爱和呼啸山庄的作者是什么关系?

【求 呼啸山庄 和 简爱 中的英文名句 简爱和呼啸山庄的作者是什么关系?】

求 呼啸山庄 和 简爱 中的英文名句 简爱和呼啸山庄的作者是什么关系?

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。简爱和呼啸山庄的作者是什么关系?,求 呼啸山庄 和 简爱 中的英文名句这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、"Wuthering Heights"---呼啸山庄1. He will be very rich, I will become the most vigorous near the woman, married to a husband to do, I will feel very proud "2.希思克Ratcliffe and if I get married, we will be reduced to beggars"I took pry bars and pickaxe, to destroy two families. May, when all arrangements妥贴, all in my hands, they found themselves even an watt掀掉will have gone. ""Jane Eyre"---简爱Jane ?劳渥德love at School had one of her pure and kind friend said this quote: "When we are without the original being beaten for no reason, we should fight back hard in; I am sure that we should fight back - hard the back, the lessons learned to fight U.S. that person and ask him to do not dare to hit Forever. 。
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