【海鸥的英文是什么】海鸥的英文:mewsea-gullseagull参考例句:Do you know how to destroy Seagull Zombie?你知道怎么干掉海鸥僵尸吗?A killer whale calf learned the trick of luring gulls to the surface of the water with fish.有一只小虎鲸学会了用漂着的鱼把海鸥引到海面上来的把戏 。A troop of seagulls slept on the water.一群海鸥栖息在水面上 。The seagulls wheeled over the sea.海鸥在海面上盘旋 。Seagulls hover over the surging waves.海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔 。
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