
Life expectancyin the United States took another hit in 2021, furthering a dramatic decline from 2020 that was the largest since World War II, according to a new report.
一份最新报告显示 , 美国人均预期寿命在2021再次受到严重冲击 , 跟2020年相比进一步大幅下降 , 达到二战以来最大降幅 。
The study -- published Thursday on the preprint server medRxiv, which means it has not been peer-reviewed -- found that after falling nearly 1.9 years in 2020, life expectancy in the US decreasedanother 0.4 years in 2021.
这项研究于星期四发表在预印版伺服器 medRxiv上 , 这意味着它还没有经过同行评审 。 该研究发现 , 美国人均预期寿命在2020年下降了近1.9岁 , 之后2021年又下降了0.4岁 。

In the decade before the pandemic, life expectancy in the US changed by an average of less than 0.1 years annually, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
根据美国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的数据 , 在新冠疫情爆发前的十年里 , 美国人均预期寿命平均每年变化不到0.1岁 。
Changes to life expectancy amid the Covid-19 pandemic widened an existing gap between the US and other high-income countries, the new report shows. Among a set of 19 peer countries, life expectancy dropped only a third as much as in the US in 2020 (down 0.6 years, on average) and rebounded in 2021, with an average increase of about 0.3 years.
这份新报告显示 , 在新冠流行期间 , 人均预期寿命的变化拉大了美国和其他高收入国家之间的现有差距 。 在19个对等国家中 , 其他国家2020年人均预期寿命的下降幅度只有美国的三分之一(平均下降0.6岁) , 并在2021年出现反弹 , 平均增长约0.3岁 。
Life expectancy in the US fell from 78.9 years in 2019 to 76.6 years in 2021 -- now more than five years less than the average among peer nations.
美国人均预期寿命从2019年的78.9岁下降到2021年的76.6岁 , 现在比对等国家的平均水平少了5岁多 。
"This speaks volumes about the life consequences of how the US handled the pandemic," Dr. Steven Woolf, study author and director emeritus of the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University, said in a statement. "What happened in the U.S. is less about the variants than the levels of resistance to vaccination and the public's rejection of practices, such as masking and mandates, to reduce viral transmission."
“这充分说明了美国应对新冠疫情措施带来的生命后果 。 ”报告作者弗吉尼亚联邦大学社会与健康中心名誉主任史蒂文·伍尔夫博士在一份声明中说:“这样的后果与其说和病毒变种有关 , 不如说是和抵制疫苗接种以及公众拒绝执行佩戴口罩和其他强制措施来减少病毒传播有关 。 "
In the US, there was a disproportionate decrease in life expectancy for Black and Hispanic people in 2020. But in 2021, White people had the largest losses, with life expectancy holding steady for Hispanic people and rising slightly for Black people.
2020年美国黑人和西班牙裔人的人均预期寿命出现较大下降 。 但在2021年 , 白人的下降最大 , 西班牙裔人均预期寿命保持稳定 , 黑人的人均预期寿命略有上升 。
Key points:
1 , Life expectancy 预期寿命;平均寿命
By the year 2050, women will have a life expectancyof 83.6 years and men of at least 75.1.
到2050年 , 女性预期寿命将达到83.6岁 , 男性预期寿命至少达到75.1岁 。
2 , decrease 减少 , 降低
In Spain and Portugal there has been a decreasein the number of young people out of work.