




在《中国达人秀》的舞台上 , 迎来过一位78岁的老奶奶 , 看上去却仿佛只有40出头 。
On the stage of \"China's Got Talent Show\" there was a 78 year old grandmother who seemed to be in her early 40s.
更令人惊讶的是 , 这位老奶奶还为大家带来了一段热情洋溢的舞蹈 。
What's even more surprising is that this old lady also brought a passionate dance to everyone.
节目中 , 嘉宾询问这位奶奶是怎么保养的 , 看起来这么年轻 。
In the program guests asked how this grandmother takes care of herself she looks so young.
她说:最重要的还是心态要好 , 要运动 , 我觉得是舞蹈让我保养的这么好 。
She said \"The most important thing is to have a good mindset and exercise. I think it's dance that keeps me well maintained.\".

运动 , 应该是世界上成本最低的自我升值方式了 。
Sports should be the lowest cost way of self appreciation in the world.
它直接作用于外表 , 提升气质 , 又能积存一个人越来越多的自信 。
It directly affects appearance enhances temperament and can accumulate more and more confidence in a person.

哪怕只是每天坚持跑步30分钟 , 时间久了 , 你都能惊喜于它给身体带来的变化 。
Even if it's just a 30 minute run every day over time you can be pleasantly surprised by the changes it brings to your body.
运动 , 是对抗岁月最好的武器 。 坚持运动、认真生活的人 , 永远都不会老 。
Exercise is the best weapon against time. People who persist in exercising and living seriously will never grow old.