解释词组例句 instead是什么意思

instead 基本解释
副词反而; 代替,顶替; 反倒
instead 相关词组
1. instead of : 代替, 而不是…;
instead 相关例句
1. If you cannot go, let him go instead.
如果你不能去,让他替你去 。
2. He is too busy, let me go instead.
他太忙了,让我去吧 。
3. We’ll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.
我们将改在花园喝茶,而不在屋里喝 。
4. He didn’t give John the money, but he gave it to me instead.
他没把钱给约翰,却给了我 。
5. If there is no coal, oil can be used instead.
如果没有煤,可以用石油来代替 。
instead 情景对话
A:I would suggest that you use this material instead of that .
我建议你改用这种替代那种 。
B:But that costs more .
可是那样成本较高 。
A:But you will get less waste from this .
但可以减少浪费 。
B:We‘ll try it once .
那么就试一次看看吧 。
Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询)
A:One of my students told me she was very depressed today.
我的一个学生告诉我她今天心情很坏 。
A:Her father is dying.
她的爸爸快死了 。
B:Oh, that’s very sad.
哦,真令人难过 。
A:Yeah, she’s broken up about it, poor kid.
是呀,她无法承受这件事,真可怜 。
B:What did you do?
A:I talked to her for a while, but she’s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.
我跟她谈了一会儿,但是她还很沮丧 。所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问 。
B:That’s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He’s better trained to handle these sorts of things.
这个办法不错 。顾问是心理学家 。对于处理这些事情他受过良好的培训 。
A:Yeah, that’s what I told her. I’m glad she’s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.
是,我也是这样和她说的 。我很高兴她可以求援而不是自己一个人承担了 。
B:Yeah, me too.
是的,我也有同感 。
Cable TV-(有线电视)
A:Mom, can we get cable TV or a satellite dish?
B:It costs money, dear. What’s wrong with the regular television stations?
亲爱的,那可很贵呢 。一般的电视台有什么不好?
A:The shows are dull and they’re too many advertisements.
这些节目都很没趣,而且广告太多了 。
B:Well, you already watch too much TV instead of doing your homework, anyway.
哦,你可是光看那么多电视不做作业了 。
A:There ’re educational stations too. I could learn while I watched TV.
(卫星电视)也有教育电视台嘛 。我可以一边看电视一边学习 。
B:Well, that’s true, but you’d probably only watch cartoons and action movies.
哦,那倒是真的 。可是你可能只会看卡通片或动作片哦 。
【解释词组例句 instead是什么意思】A:No I wouldn’t…can’t we get cable? Everybody has cable.
不,我不会的 。我们不可以装有线电视吗?家家都有 。
B:Well, if everybody jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?
A:Mom!!!! Please. All my friends have had it for years.
妈妈!拜托,我的朋友们几年前就有了 。
B:Get new friends.
那就交一些新朋友 。
A:Why are you always so mean?
B:Because you’d end up spoiled rotten if I wasn’t.
如果我不这样的话你肯定会被我宠得不行的 。
A:I could help pay for it.
那我也可以出一部分钱嘛 。
B:Let’s see how your grades are this semester, and maybe I’ll talk to your father about it.
我们看看你这个学期考得怎么样,然后我倒可以和你爸爸商量一下 。
A:O.K. Thanks, Mom!
好的,谢谢妈妈 。
instead 网络解释
1. 代替:有多个颜色可以挑选,已经完全可以代替(Instead)妆前霜来运用了,但用后假使不上妆的话感觉(Feel)(Feel)会怪怪的,会感觉(Feel)(Feel)有一点点假白. 因为是霜状的质地,不算太好推,所以不太实用于补擦.
2. 相反:C 逻辑推理前后照应,在作者预计将会是9比1作者大胜他的时候,比分却是相反(instead),作者居然落后了. 这结果是随后(then)出现的,却是很不自然(naturally)的,可并没有搞错(mistakenly). 15. A 词义辨析逻辑推理,Ed来(coming)了,
3. 代替,更换:instantaneous value 瞬时值,即时值 | instead 代替,更换 | instillation 滴注法,灌注
instead 双语例句
1. If your computer is set up, only instead of recording documents in books and documents, then the certificate of the board after the account audit process, the only document in the certificate recorded on the registered certificate of the accounting data with a special logo to distinguish them from non-registered persons account of the certificate data.
如果计算机内只设置记账凭证文件而不设账簿文件,那么凭证审核后的登账过程,就只是在凭证文件中对已登记入账的记账凭证数据加上特别的标识以区别于未登记人账的凭证数据 。
2. In this work, Gladney challenges this simplistic view, arguing instead that the very opposition of majority and minority, primitive and modern, are historically constructed and are belied by examination of such disenfranchised groups as Muslims, minorities, and gendered others.
在本书中,作者挑战了这个过于简单化的观点,认为中国的历史是一部主体和支流、先进和落后互相反抗的过程,只是由于我们以前太过于注意对穆斯林、少数民族这些化外之民的考察,反而掩盖了历史的真相 。
3. Instead, it is the kind of profound affection that makes you smile at idiosyncrasies that anyone else would find pointless, or get the joke that nobody else will understand.
相反,它是一种深切的情爱,令你欣赏外人视若无睹的独特气质而秋波盈盈,领会他人没能听懂的笨拙笑话而前仰后伏 。
4. If you say Yiyue Yiri, instead of Zhengyue Chuyi, most people would mistake it as 1st of January (We get used to expressing Gregorian calendar by Arabic numerals while expressing Yinli by Chinese numerals).
正月十五,是元宵节 。元宵节的说法主要是通行于中国南方地区 。生活在北方的人们更愿意叫它正月十五 。这是一个家人团聚的时刻,也是祭奠先祖的时刻 。这一天的结束,也基本上意味着,春节的结束,新一年工作的开始 。
5. I gave up my epic and wrote this little tale instead.
我放弃了写叙事诗,而写了这个小故事 。
6. Instead I felt miserable about the loneliness of being in a new community.
相反的觉的在新的社会里充满了孤独感 。
7. instead在线翻译
7. Integrate faster version of the built-in scanner: will a hard copy scan-to-plate on the device, instead of Photoshop.
集不败有迟版的边置扫描仪:不兵软拷贝扫描到间接制版摆设上,而不是Photoshop洋 。
8. instead的近义词
8. The post-travel funk can be something you bond over instead of something that builds walls between you.
在成为朋友或是组建家庭的兴奋刺激过去后有一点的冒险后是沮丧是很自然的 。
9. Sword Specialization: This ability now grants extra yellow attacks instead of extra white attacks.
剑专:剑专产生的额外攻击显示为黄色而不是以前的白色 。
10. The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.
第三种方法是购并者照样进行交易,接着再从市场买回因购并所发行的股份,如此一来,原本以股换股的交易便转变为以现金换股的交易,买回股份本身是一种修补损害的动作,正常的读者应该能正确的猜到我们宁愿以买回自家股份的方式直接增进原有股东权益,而不只是修补原先的损害,得分的达阵会比弥补失误更令人雀跃,但当失误真的发生了,亡羊补牢还是很重要的,我们衷心建议大家应该以买回自家股份这类弥补错误动作,将一项不好的以股换股交易变为合理的现金换股交易 。
11. The results are consistent with the interpretation that positive intangible information tends to trigger institutional herding on the buy side.3. The securities Investment Funds act as momentum traders in bear market while as contrariant traders in bull market. Further analysis reveals that momentum trading by investment funds intensifies stock return momentum but stock price experiences a long-term reversal. It indicates return momentum results from mispricing instead of risk. The securities Investment Funds hamper market efficiency when they act as momentum traders.4 Both momentum trading and herding behavior intensify market anomalies and hamper market efficiency. However, momentum trading or herding behavior is the only one of the many aspects of the institutional investor.
第三,机构投资者的动量交易行为会加重了股票收益惯性,这一结论在分别控制股票规模、账面市值比因素后仍成立,并且机构投资者对股票的动量交易行为越强烈,股票收益的惯性也越明显,说明机构投资者具有影响股票价格的能力;进一步的分析表明,惯性利润在长期均实现反转,但反转的周期和程度受动量交易指标值的影响,股票动量交易程度越高,动量收益反转越强烈,反转周期越短,这表明机构投资者的动量交易行为使股价严重偏离其基础价值,在长期,股票价格不断调整逐渐靠近其基础价值,因此可以说,机构投资者对股票的动量交易行为会加重股票收益惯性和阻碍市场效率 。
12. With no reference to its public, the BBC has cut its losses by axing the very programming that made it so excellent and unique – keeping instead the pop tart variety of television that can be found anywhere at any time.
没有提到其公众,英国广播公司已经削减其损失由削减非常节目说得那么出色和独特的-保存而不弹出蛋塔杯模,各种各样的电视上说,可以发现在任何时间任何地点 。
13. Indefinite pronouns do not specify any particular noun or adjective instead of the pronoun, an indefinite pronoun in English…
不定代词是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,英语中不定代词 。。。
14. For instance, as one more grievance against Rome, he never tires of inveighing against the fact that Pope Marinus I (882-84), John VIII’s successor, was translated from another see, instead of being ordained from the Roman clergy.
例如,作为一个对罗马更加不满,他从来没有对轮胎的inveighing的事实,教宗马里努斯口( 882-84 ),约翰八世的继任者,被翻译从另一个见,而不是祝从罗马神职人员 。
15. Instead of smiling, each of them made a face.
同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸 。
16. instead的翻译
16. Instead of looking at the process in exclusive political-economic terms and from the urban standpoint, this course seeks to study interactively the rural and the global/modern interface, and inclusively in the terms of cultural development, focusing on the areas of concepts, histories, and theoretical perspectives concerning the emergence of peasantry and village, modernization and capitalization of agriculture, representations of trans-national or peasant workers (as inter-cultural intermediaries), residue of rural and communal culture from within the urban and global settings and its cleavage.
这现象常常被政治经济的研究模式所限制,并单纯地从城市化的视点圈画观察范围,本科尝试从乡村和全球化的交互关系出发,采取文化发展跨学科的兼容度向,由概念、历史和理论框架等层面,讨论农民和农村的现象,农业现代化和资本化,关於跨国界和农民工的指涉,城市和全球化处境中存留下来的乡村和社区文化和种种矛盾的看法 。
17. Reliangbiao flow is the main parameters instead of models range.
热量表的选型主要参数是流量而不是管径 。
18. If the bad thing does not happen we might be able to take advantage of something good instead.
如果坏的事情没有发生,我们便可以因较好的事取代了而获益 。
19. Maybe that’s a question for an English teacher instead of a sportswriter.
这应该是英语老师头疼的问题,而不是体育评论员所讨论的事 。
20. instead的翻译
20. Tsao said that although modern China invested in African raw material companies it did not trust local workers and instead imported its own.
曹景行说,尽管中国现代对许多非洲原材料公司进行了投资,但中国并不信任当地的工人,反而带去了中国自己的工人 。
instead 词典解释
1. 代替…;而不是…
If you do one thing instead of another, you do the first thing and not the second thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.
e.g. She had to spend nearly four months away from him that summer, instead of the usual two…
那个夏天她被迫离开他将近四个月而不是通常的两个月 。
e.g. Check-out workers in London will receive £7.17 an hour instead of £6.54…
伦敦的收银员每小时工资将从原先的 6.54 英镑涨为 7.17 英镑 。
2. 作为替代;反而;相反地
If you do not do something, but do something else instead, you do the second thing and not the first thing, as the result of a choice or a change of behaviour.
e.g. He reached for the wine but did not drink, pushed it, instead, across the table towards Joanna…
他伸手拿酒却没有喝,而是把它推给了坐在桌子对面的乔安娜 。
e.g. The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy; instead it was littered with pots and pans…
如果妮古拉会收拾,厨房本来是能用的;但现在,这里到处乱放着锅碗瓢盆 。
instead 单语例句
1. Business is now sometimes done with private Chinese oil companies instead of the China Oil Ministry.
2. Unlike the British man, the current generation of business people act instead of think.
3. Instead of paying business tax on all transactions in the industrial chain, modern service providers will pay 6 percent VAT.
4. Instead, it comes from a business ethic based on trust rather than litigation.
5. Some producers currently use cocoa butter substitute processed with edible lipids instead of cocoa butter made from cacao.
6. They tended to mend their own clothes instead of buy new ones, and searched for foreclosed homes to save money.
7. A Japanese investor who held dollar equities or real estate could instead have offset the exchange rate loss by buying yen futures.
8. Long is not the first official encouraging people to rent an apartment instead of buying one.
9. Instead of buying it at full price at department stores, she tries to find them at places such as the zoo market.
10. Such a policy would allow banks to sell more dollars than they buy, instead of buying more dollars than they sell.