关于春节英语对话简单 春节英语句子带翻译

Daming :Meiling, do you know about Chinese New Year?
Meiling :Yes, I do. To celeberate Chinese New Year,people will decorate their houses, clean the houses and eat dumplings. At Chinese New Year, children will get red envelopes and they can watch the lion dance. Do youlike Chinese New Year?
Daming : Yes, of course. We can have New Year's Eve dinner. My brother and I can light firecrackers. I like to light firecrackers.
Meiling :My brother teaches me to sing "Happy New Year". Can you sing this song?
Daming:No, I can't. Can you sing it to me?
Meiling : Yes, listen. "Happy New Year, happy new year… Happy New Year to you all. "
Daming : It's beautiful.
大明:美玲 , 你知道中国的新年吗?
美玲:知道 。为了庆祝新年 , 人们会贴门联、打扫房间、吃饺子 。在中国的新年 , 孩子们会得到红包 , 还也会看到狮子舞 。你喜欢春节吗?
大明:是的 , 当然 。我们要吃年夜饭 。我和哥哥还会放鞭炮 。我喜欢放鞭炮 。
美玲:我哥哥教我唱“新年好” , 你会唱这首歌吗?
大明:不 , 我不会 。你能唱给我听吗?
美玲:好的 , 听着:“新年好呀 , 新年好呀……
祝福大家新年好 。”
【关于春节英语对话简单 春节英语句子带翻译】标签:有关春节的英语对话关于春节的英语对话