睡觉用英语怎样说 睡觉用英语咋说

在人的一生中,睡眠占据了将近1/3的时间,睡眠质量的好坏与人体健康息息相关,可见睡眠对每个人有多么重要 。去睡觉用英语口语怎么说?怎么样?让我们一起来看看:

睡觉用英语怎样说 睡觉用英语咋说


fall a sleep
fall asleep
go to bed
go to sleep
retire to bed
Go to bed. you look tired out .
去睡觉吧,你看上去(已是)满脸倦意 。
I feel a bit rough — i am going to bed .
我有点儿不舒服想去睡觉了 。
Go to bed. you look tired out .
去睡觉吧,你看上去困乏极了 。
If you are tired, then you had better go to bed .
如果你疲倦了,那么你最好去睡觉 。
The little girl must go to bed .
小姑娘该去睡觉了 。
The men in the cabin snuffed the candle and went to sleep .
住在小屋里的人熄灭了蜡烛去睡觉了 。
At night bertha went to bed and bolted herself in their room .
夜里伯莎去睡觉,把自己锁在他们的卧室里 。
At last he went to bed in a rage, and lay stiff, away from her .
最后他气冲冲地上床去睡觉,僵挺挺地躺在床上,不理睬她 。
The dream returned again and again, whenever she went to sleep with an empty stomach .
她凡是空着肚子去睡觉,总都要做这样的恶梦 。
And what can i do but follow jack dunois'example, and go back to bed too ?
want to go to sleep
I feel a bit rough — i am going to bed .
我有点儿不舒服想去睡觉了 。
Whenever i eat a lot of food , i want to go to sleep
每当我吃了很多食物时,我就想去睡觉 。
I want to go to bed , for i feel tired
我想去睡觉,因为我感到累了 。
Hey , john . i was just about to turn in . what can i do for you
I like reading , but today i am too tired . so i don ' t like to read . i want to sleep
我喜欢读书,但今天我太累了,我不喜欢读书 。我想去睡觉 。
go to bed
go to sleep

睡觉用英语怎样说 睡觉用英语咋说


The famous mathematician is brainiac who would rather work on solving complex mathematical problems than sleep at night.
这位著名数学家十分聪明和勤奋,宁愿晚上不睡觉,也要解开复杂的数学难题 。
Do you ever talk in your sleep?
It's time to kip down.
到睡觉的时间了 。
I was sorely tempted to miss class and sleep in instead.
我极想翘课去睡觉 。
The editor went to bed after he put the newspaper to bed.
knock it off, kids, I' m trying to sleep !
My eyes yearn for sleep.
我的眼皮耷拉着只想睡觉 。
The back seat of the car folds down to sleep two.
这辆汽车的后座放下来可供两人睡觉 。
A wood was burning on the hearth , and a cat was sleeping in front of it
木头在壁炉中燃烧,一只猫在壁炉前睡觉 。
I looked in on Louisa. She was sleeping.
我顺道去看了一下路易莎 。她当时在睡觉 。
1.Sleep soundly
The sleeping – bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly.
睡袋很暖和很舒服, 他们都睡的很香.
2.Sleep tight
Good night, Sleep tight.
晚安,睡个好觉 。
3.Sleep on both ears
I like someone who can always sleep on both ears.
我喜欢那些总能睡得很香的人 。
4. Sleep like a log
Log 有“原木”的意思,sleep like a log 表示睡得像块木头一样,说明睡得很沉;
sleep like a baby 也可表示“熟睡”、“睡得香甜” 。
He is tired, he sleeps like a log.
他累了, 睡得很沉 。
5. Dead to the world
睡着了谁也叫不醒,睡得很死,仿佛跟世界说了再见,英文就可以说 dead to the world
You can't wake him up. He's dead to the world.
你弄不醒他,他睡得太香了 。
6. Heavy sleeper
还有一种沉睡,英文真的也可以用沉( heavy )来形容 。Heavy sleeper中的heavy意指“睡得沉” 。
【睡觉用英语怎样说 睡觉用英语咋说】另外,sound sleeper也可以指“睡得沉的人” 。相反,睡觉时容易被吵醒的人,睡得浅的人,英文则用 light sleeper表示 。