我的妈妈英语作文 关于家庭主妇的英语作文

家庭主妇,简称主妇,是一种由已婚女性从事的职业岗位,是指不外出工作,全职照顾家庭、做家务的女性 。英语里也有关于家庭主妇的作文 。你想知道描写家庭主妇的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里有一些边肖收集的关于家庭主妇的英语作文 。让我们来看看!
Imagine working long hours day in day out, falling into bed exhausted each night and getting up with the sun each morning — but never getting paid and never, according to the people who measure such things, actually “creating value”. It sounds grossly unfair, but this is the condition of most women around the world. When governments measure national economies in the gross domestic product, “women’s work” — caregiving, housekeeping, home-making — does not count as “work”.
想象一下,日复一日地长时间工作,每天早上太阳升起就起来,夜晚精疲力尽才入睡,但从来没有报酬,而且,据那些测算经济活动的人所说,也从来没有真正“创造价值” 。这听起来极其不公平,但这就是世界各地大多数女性的境况 。当政府以国内生产总值(GDP)计量国民经济时,“女性的工作”——照顾家人、操持家务——不算“工作” 。
Thanks to a new report out from McKinsey on the gender gap in the workplace, though, we now know the actual value of all this unpaid work: a staggering $10tn. That is roughly the size of China’s GDP. If all the women taking care of their families constituted one nation, it would have the fourth-largest economy in the world.
然而,麦肯锡(McKinsey)一份有关工作场所性别鸿沟的新报告告诉我们,这些没有报酬的工作的实际价值达到令人震惊的10万亿美元 。这大致相当于中国的GDP 。如果所有照顾家庭的女性组成一个国家,那将是世界上第四大经济体 。
All this work, moreover, is just the physical dimension of care. As Anne-Marie Slaughter argues in her new book, Unfinished Business , caregiving includes the additional emotional component of love and nurture, the transformation of an income stream into the teaching, discipline, moral guidance, problem-solving, emotional support and role-modelling that raising children and simply investing in others requires. That is work worth measuring.
此外,这些劳动只是女性对家庭照顾的物理方面 。正如安妮-玛丽斯劳特(Anne-Marie Slaughter)在新书《未竟之业》(Unfinished Business)中提出的,照顾还包括爱和培育中附加的情感组成部分,把收入流转化为教导、训诫、道德引导、问题解决、情感支持和树立榜样,这些都是养育孩子和将精力投入到其他人身上所必需的因素 。这是一份值得衡量的工作 。
These inequities exist in rich and poor countries alike. In rich countries, women turn money into the goods and services necessary for survival and flourishing: shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing, organising. In poor countries, women bear the burden of providing the basic necessities of life: hauling water and firewood, and farming subsistence crops.
这种不平等在富国和穷国都存在 。在富国,女性将金钱转换成生存和发展所必需的产品和服务:购物、烹饪、打扫、洗刷、整理 。在穷国,女性则背负着提供基本生活必需品的重担:收集水和柴火,以及耕种用作口粮的农作物 。
We must act. The economist Diane Elson has created a strategy that has been adopted by many advocates: “Recognise, reduce and redistribute.”
我们必须行动 。经济学家黛安娜埃尔森(Diane Elson)提出了一套得到许多支持者采用的策略:“认识、减少和再分配 。”
Recognising the unfair burden being placed on women is the first step to addressing it. As long as economic statistics of record erase the work they do, it will be easier for everyone to ignore the disparity at the heart of our societies.
认识到女性背负的不公正的重担是解决这个问题的第一步 。只要计量经济学的记录还在抹消女性的工作,大家就更容易忽视处于我们社会核心的不平等 。
Reducing the amount of time and effort women spend doing tedious chores is possible with labour-saving technologies. In developing nations, where women spend hours gathering water and wood to run their households, this may mean efficient cookstoves, community cisterns and rural electrification. In richer countries, we have been using washing machines, electric irons, and vacuum cleaners for years. By reducing the 61 per cent of unpaid work that consists of routine household tasks, we can free up time for the valuable work of caring for children and elders.
通过节省劳力的技术来减少女性花在乏味家务上的时间和精力是可能的 。在发展中国家,女性耗费很多时间来收集水和柴火以维持家用,这或许意味着我们需要高效率的炉灶、社区蓄水池和农村通电 。在更发达的国家,多年来我们一直在使用洗衣机、电熨斗、真空吸尘器 。通过减少占日常家务61%的无偿劳动,我们可以把这些时间释放出来去做有意义的事——照顾孩子和老人 。
Redistributing unpaid labour, the last step, means including men equally in the work and the joys of care. Men who bond with their children early on and become fully competent at childcare report that they experience a different and deeply fulfilling relationship. Moreover, when men and women are equal co-parents, they are both likely to push for the flexible work arrangements that would help everyone.
最后一点是重新分配家务活,这意味着男人也要平等地参与到照顾家庭的劳作和乐趣中来 。那些很早就和子女建立亲密关系,并且逐渐变得完全胜任照顾孩子的工作的男性表示,他们体验到了一种与众不同、深沉充实的亲子关系 。此外,当男女平等地分担家长的工作时,他们很可能会争取弹性的工作安排,这样对所有人都有利 。
We do not know with certainty what women will do with the extra time they gain from reducing and redistributing unpaid work. But it is hard to imagine they would not use some of it for economically productive activities or to further their education. That is where a second number in the McKinsey report comes in: if the world’s women were not assigned the majority of household tasks, forced to take part-time jobs to accommodate childcare and other important responsibilities, or shunted into low-paying professions, global GDP would grow by a breathtaking $28tn, a number larger than the US and Chinese economies combined.
减少和重新分配这些无偿工作以后,女性会用这些多出来的时间做什么,我们无法确定 。但是,很难想象她们会不用一部分时间来从事经济活动或者进修 。这是麦肯锡报告提出的第二个数字:如果全世界的女性没有承担大部分的家务劳动,没有为了照顾孩子和担负其他重大责任而被迫兼职工作,也没有被打发到一些低工资职业,那么全球GDP将增长28万亿美元,这个数字令人震惊,它比美国和中国经济总量之和还大 。
Estimates are tricky and real equality would mean men stepping back as women step up. Still, the business case is clear. Politicians, employers, investors, and voters have no excuse not to act.
估算是困难的,真正的平等意味着当女性向前迈一步的同时,男性要向后退一步 。即便如此,经济上的理由还是显而易见的 。政界人士,雇主,投资者和选民没有借口不采取行动 。

我的妈妈英语作文 关于家庭主妇的英语作文


Confidence Game
In California on a business trip last month,I met a mom with two kids who'd graduated from business school in the late 1990s.
上个月,在加利福尼亚的一次商务旅行中,我遇见了一位有两个孩子的母亲 。
She'd been home with the kids for five years, she explained,but was looking to go back.
她在20世纪90年代末毕业于一所商学院 。她解释说自己离职在家照顾孩子已经5年了,但现在正打算重返职场 。
I assumed she'd return to the field she'd entered after business school.
我以为她会回到从商学院毕业以后所从事的领域 。
I want to go into something non-profit, she said instead.
她却说:我想从事一些非赢利性的工作 。
【我的妈妈英语作文 关于家庭主妇的英语作文】Now, I firmly believe that nonprofit careers are tremendously rewarding,but my heart sank a bit from the ambivalence etched on my new friend's face.
虽然,我现在还是坚信,从事非赢利性的工作是非常有好处的,但当我看到这位新朋友脸上挥之不去的矛盾表情,我的心沉了一沉 。
I suspected I knew what she was thinking.
我觉得我知道她在想什么 。
Over the years, I've studied working and stay-at-home moms,
多年来,我一直在研究职场妈妈和全职妈妈 。
I've met dozens of successful former lawyers and businesswomen in a range of lucrative fields who lose their confidence after staying home for a few years.
我碰到过很多成功女性,有的是成功的律师,有的是一些赢利性行业中的商界精英,但她们在家待了几年后都失去了信心 。
They assume they can't return to their original fields,despite their successful track records.
她们认为自己不能再回到原来的领域,尽管她们曾经在那些行业取得过成功 。
They erroneously think going into teaching,social work or nonprofit foundations will be easier.
她们误以为当老师,做社会工作或到非赢利的基金会工作会容易一些 。
More often than not,these women use I'm thinking of entering nonprofitas code for I've lost confidence in my ability to return to my professionso my only choice is find a less competitive field.
通常情况下,这些妇女会用我想从事非赢利性的工作来表示我已经失去了我一起工作领域的信心,因此我的选择是找到一个竞争不那么激烈的领域 。
The reality is they'd be better off staying in their original field.
但现实情况是她们最好还是从事原来的行业 。
Teaching and social work require years of education and certification.
当教师与从事社会工作都需要多年的教育和认证 。
Due to naivety or arrogance,some former businesspeople don't realize high-level nonprofit posts are just as competitive and sought after as top business jobs.
由于天真或傲慢,一些从前的商场中人并没有意识到高层次的非赢利职位同样竞争激烈,就像商场中的高级职位一样备受追捧 。
It's tougher than many women believe to convince potential employers that private sector achievements are transferable to education and nonprofit arenas,and why, suddenly in mid-life,you heard a different calling that you will take as seriously as your former career.
要想说服潜在的雇主相信你在私营部门取得的成就可以转化为教育或非赢利行业所需的能力,以及为什么你到了中年时突然听到了另一种召唤,想从事不同的工作,并且会和你以前工作时同样认真,这比许多女性想象的要困难的多 。
Many stay-at-homes would be better off if they confronted the biggest hurdle preventing women from returning to their chosen industries:lack of confidence,the most critical ingredient in any job hunt.
许多全职妈妈倘若面临着使她们无法回到她们所选行业的最大障碍:缺乏信心是,这对她们反而是件好事 。
A recent New York Times article highlighted this reality and business schools' growing success teaching confidence by helping stay-at-home moms brush up on outdated skills.
最近《纽约时报》的一篇文章强调了这一现实,并特别提到了一些商学院在通过帮助全职妈妈重温过时的技能,从而使她们重拾信心方面取得了越来越大的成功 。
The biggest issue facing them was not whether their skills were rusty;rather, it was the confidence that they had lost while not working,explained the Times article.
她们所面临的最大问题不在于她们的技能生疏荒废了,相反,问题在于她们在不工作期间失去了信心 。《纽约时报》上的这篇文章解释说,
You should never apologize for being out of the market.
你不应该因为离开过市场而感到抱歉 。
It's becoming too common to substitute "househusbands" for "housewives" around the world as more women join the workforce.
在世界各地,随着更多的妇女成为职业女性,“家庭主夫”替代“家庭主妇”这一现象变得极其普通 。
Why is it so common to think that women are oppressed and discontented when working to provide for their families' happiness? Must everyone receive happiness in the same way, working long hours outside the home? I am revolted by the notion that I must be depressed or unfulfilled because my husband and I have chosen to live in a more old-fashioned setting. I don't suggest that this is the only way, or even the best way, to manage every family. However, I swear that it's the best lifestyle for me and my family. Every day, I work harder than I did at my old job and I find that I have more happiness and dignity than I did before. Consider this: In the future, when a woman answers that she is a housewife, you should avoid discrimination and give her a high five instead of showing pity or giving her a boring glance.
为什么这么多人认为,妇女在为她们的家庭幸福而工作时,一定是受到压制和感到不满的呢?每个人都必须以同样的方式——在外面工作很长时间——来获得幸福吗?有人认为我肯定很压抑或没有成就感,因为我丈夫和我选择了一种更过时的生活方式,这样的想法让我感到很震惊 。我不是在暗示这是经营家庭的的方法,我更不是说这是最好的方式 。不过,我发誓,对我和我的家庭来说这是最好的生活方式 。我日益努力,也发现自己比以前更幸福,更有尊严 。记住,以后当一个女人回答她是一位家庭主妇时,你不应歧视她,要与她击掌喝彩,而不要显露怜悯之情或以无趣的眼光看她 。
When hearing the word housewife, what comes to your mind? For many people, it's a picture of domestic discontent. Critics of the housewife style in the 1950s seem to find it disgusting that a woman should make it her life's work to raise children, clean dishes, and make homemade meals, creating a healthy, happy home. Are we so afraid of going backward that we're too quick to condemn a different lifestyle?
当听到“家庭主妇”这个词时,你想到的是什么?对许多人而言,“家庭主妇”的形象就是对家务琐事充满抱怨不满 。19 世纪 50 年代的家庭主妇毕生的工作就是养孩子,洗盘子,做饭,创建一个健康、快乐的家庭,批评家对这样的生活极其反感 。我们是不是因为太害怕倒退而过快地去谴责不同的生活方式呢?
I remember my own working days before I settled down as a full-time homemaker. For the duration of time that I was working full time, I came home late, heated up a prepackaged dinner for my family, and busied myself with housework until crawling into bed each night, exhausted. My calendar overflowed with little quality time for family or myself. I experienced the same situation growing up in a household with two working parents. My childhood was spent fussing over daily household tasks, trying to keep control before all the work could be compounded and get out of control. I appreciate my parents' hard work, but a childhood only lasts a short while before it's gone forever. I can't in good conscience let my children look back and wish we had spent less time folding wrinkled clothes and more time together as a family.
我记得我自己工作的那会儿,那是在我安心当全职家庭主妇以前的事 。在我干全职工作的那段期间,我回家很晚,为我的家人加热了包装食品作为晚餐后,就忙于家务,每天晚上直到疲惫不堪才爬上床 。我的日程表排得汇成商学院的,几乎没有全心照顾家人或自己的宝贵时间 。我生长在一个父母是双职工的家庭,所以我的成长经历了类似的情况 。为努力使情况不恶化或失控,我的童年是在紧张忙碌的家庭事务中度过的 。我感谢我父母的辛劳,但童年只是人生一个瞬间,一去不复返 。扪心自问,我不能让我的孩子们回头看时,后悔当初没有少花点时间折叠打皱的衣服,而有更多的时间陪伴家人就好了 。