关于冬季奥运会的英语作文 写冬奥会的英语作文

每四年举办一次的冬奥会 , 为中国参加冬奥会、世锦赛等世界高水平比赛培养了大批人才 。在英语中 , 还有一个关于写冬季运动会作文的主题 。你想知道写冬运会的英语作文是怎么写的吗?这里是边肖收集的一些冬季运动会英语作文 。让我们来看看!
The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games was inaugurated on Tuesday in Beijing, a move experts believe may mark a new phase in the capital's air pollution control, efforts after the city has been regularly engulfed by heavy smog in recent years.
2022年北京冬奥会及冬残奥会组委会于周四在北京举行成立典礼 。近些年北京经常受雾霾困扰 , 但经过不懈努力 , 专家相信冬奥会将标志着北京空气治理进入新阶段 。
Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli addressed the launch ceremony, stressing the government's desire to hold a "green" Olympics, as well as pushing for improving the ecological environment of Beijing and its neighboring cities.
国务院副总理张高丽在启动仪式上发言 , 强调政府“绿色办奥”的愿望 , 也会提高北京及周边地区的生态环境 。
China attempted a "green" Olympics seven years ago, as efforts to curb pollution ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games significantly improved the city's air quality during the Games.
中国七年前曾实践过“绿色办奥”的理念 , 致力于在2008年奥运会前控制污染 , 效果显著 , 空气质量大幅提高 。
Beijing has ensured blue skies several times when large-scale events took place in the city, but the good air quality rarely lasts long.
大型活动举行时 , 北京多次出现蓝天 , 但良好的空气质量持续时间都不长 。
To guarantee blue skies for grand events such as the major military parade in September, Beijing adopts effective but pricey measures including taking half of the city's private cars off the road and closing 1,927 heavy industrial facilities.
为了保障大型活动比如九月的“阅兵蓝” , 北京采用了高效率高代价的措施 , 包括市内一半车辆不许上路 , 关闭1927家重工业企业 。
Such measures dramatically improve the city's air quality. Wang Gengchen, a research fellow from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Science, told the Global Times that "this extraordinary result was created under the premise of sacrificing economic benefits. As a developing country, China cannot normalize measures that cause economic losses in exchange for permanent blue skies, thus the Winter Olympics is unlikely to eradicate air pollution once and for all."
这些举措提高了空气质量 。中国科学院物理大气研究员王耕晨告诉环球时报采访人员 , “这样显著的成果是以牺牲经济利益为代价的 。作为一个发展中国家 , 中国不能以经济损失换取永久蓝天 。冬奥会也不太可能彻底消除空气污染 。”
However, Wang noted that the Games are likely to improve the air quality in Beijing and its neighboring cities, as well as offer the region a greater chance of making blue skies a regular feature even after the Games.
但是王耕晨强调 , 冬奥会很可能改善北京及周边地区的空气质量 , 甚至是在冬奥会之后 , 蓝天也有可能在该地区常态化出现 。

关于冬季奥运会的英语作文 写冬奥会的英语作文


When news arrived in November that Beijing was bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics, many observers in the Chinese capital briefly choked on their tea — or was that the smog?
去年11月传出北京申办2022年冬季奥运会的消息时 , 在这座中国首都城市的许多观察人士都被口中的茶呛了一下(或者是因为雾霾?) 。
A few years removed from hosting the Summer Olympics, with virtually no winter sports tradition to speak of and bad air that gets worse when the temperatures drop, China's capital seemed as likely a choice to host the Winter Games as Dubai or Bankok.
北京在几年前刚刚举办过夏季奥运会 , 而且实际上没什么说得上来的冬季体育运动传统 , 再加上气温下降时空气质量会更加糟糕 , 被选作冬运会举办地的可能性看起来就和迪拜或曼谷差不多 。
Eight months later, the International Olympic Committee has named Beijing, which has proposed hosting the games in conjunction with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou, as one of the three finalists for the bid, along with Oslo in Norway and Kazakhstan's Almaty.
八个月之后 , 国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee, 简称:国际奥委会)宣布 , 北京与挪威的奥斯陆及哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图共同入围最后一轮候选名单 。北京提出的方案是与附近城市张家口一起举办冬奥会 。
What are Beijing's chances of actually winning the bid? Better than you might think.
北京真的胜出的可能性有多大?比你可能以为的要大 。
The 2022 Winter Olympics has become known as the Olympics no one wants to host after a long list of candidates dropped their bids. Stockholm, Munich, two cities in Switzerland, Denver, Krakow and Lviv in Ukraine all pursued the idea of hosting the event to varying degrees but ultimately decided to withdraw themselves from consideration over the past few months — leaving only the three finalists.
在一长串候选城市都放弃之后 , 2022年冬奥会已经成了有名的“谁都不想承办”的一届奥运会 。瑞典的斯德哥尔摩、德国慕尼黑、瑞士两个城市、美国丹佛、波兰克拉科夫和乌克兰利沃夫都不同程度地寻求过主办这届冬奥会 , 但经过过去几个月的思考 , 它们最终都决定退出――只剩下最后一轮名单上的三个城市 。
With the exception of Lviv, which cancelled its bid last week because of continuing political strife in Ukraine, most of the other drop-outs appear to have been frightened away by the specter of this year's Winter Games in Sochi, which emptied Russia's coffers to the tune of $51 billion and left little of value behind.
除了利沃夫以外 , 多数中途退出者似乎都被今年索契冬奥会给吓住了 。这届冬奥会花掉了俄罗斯510亿美元之多 , 而并没有带来什么价值 。利沃夫上周因乌克兰持续不断的政治冲突而放弃竞标 。
Beijing has become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games after beating Kazakhstan's Almaty to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics.
北京击败哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图 , 获得2022年冬奥会举办权 , 成为奥运历史上第一个既举办过夏季奥运会 , 又举办冬奥会的城市 。
Following a closed-door vote by International Olympic Committee (IOC) members, President Thomas Bach announced that Beijing is the winner of 2022 Winter Olympics during the 128th IOC Session in Kuala Lumpur on Friday afternoon. Beijing won 44 nods against Almaty's 40 in the voting.
7月31日 , 国际奥委会委员在于吉隆坡召开的第128次会议上进行了非公开投票 , 国际奥委会主席巴赫宣布了投票结果:北京获得2022年冬奥会举办权 。北京以44-40的微弱优势战胜了阿拉木图 。
The choice of Beijing as host of the 2022 Winter Olympics over Kazakhstan's Almaty was a solid vote for the tried and tested, and the financial and organizational security of China.
北京击败哈萨克斯坦的阿拉木图市成为2022年冬奥会举办城市 , 是对这座经过夏季奥运会考验的城市的一致肯定 , 也是对中国举办奥运会的财政和组织能力的肯定 。
Beijing was seen by the IOC as a safe, reliable choice that also offered vast commercial opportunities in a new winter sports market of more than 300 million people in northern China.
北京对奥委会来说是一个安全可靠的选择 , 中国北方有3亿多人口 , 对新的冬季运动市场来说 , 也是巨大的商机 。
The victory over long-shot Kazakhstan was a nod to China's rocket-fast rise as a global powerhouse, giving the most populous nation another shot at welcoming the most-watched sporting event in the world.
中国击败没有胜算的哈萨克斯坦 , 证明了中国世界强国的地位迅速上升 , 让这个人口最多的国家再次赢得了世界上最受瞩目的体育赛事举办权 。
China has vowed to clean up its act in the run up to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.
中国誓言在北京2022届冬奥会前整顿空气污染 。
Government officials have promised to reduce air pollution following the capital city’s first ever red alert last week when levels were reportedly ten times higher than what is considered safe by the World Health Organisation.
政府官员已经承诺减少空气污染 , 上周北京发布红色警报 , 据报道污染水平是世界卫生组织认为安全的十倍 。
Speaking at a ceremony to mark the creation of the Game’s organising committee, China’s Vice Premier, Zhang Gaoli said: “we will use greater determination, greater vigour and better moves to prevent air pollution in Zhangjiakou, the Beijing-Hebei-Tianjin region as well as the Yangtze River Delta area and the Pearl River Delta. Using concrete actions to bring down the air pollutants,we will gain the trust of the people.”
在奥运会组织委员建立仪式上 , 中国副总理张高丽表示:“我们将用更大的决心、更大的精力和更好的举措来防止张家口、北京-河北-天津以及长江三角洲和珠江三角洲的空气污染 。用具体的行动减少空气污染 , 我们会获得人民的信任 。”
The Beijing bid was met with a wave of criticism over a lack of snow around capital and the country’s poor human rights record.
北京申奥遭遇了一波又一波的批评 , 因为首都缺少下雪及人权记录欠佳 。
A toxic atmosphere can now be added to the list of concerns as the city prepares to host its very first winter Games.
【关于冬季奥运会的英语作文 写冬奥会的英语作文】随着北京将举办其第一次冬季奥运会 , 有毒大气污染问题现在添加到关注列表 。