冰雪奇缘英语作文50词 关于冰雪奇缘的英语作文80词

《冰雪奇缘》讲述了小国家阿伦德尔(Arendelle)因为一个咒语而永远被冰雪覆盖的故事 。为了夺回夏天,安娜公主、登山家克里斯托弗和他的驯鹿伙伴出发去进行拯救王国的冒险 。想知道《冰雪奇缘》的英语作文怎么写吗?这是边肖收藏的写冰雪奇缘的英语作文60词 。让我们来看看!
【冰雪奇缘英语作文50词 关于冰雪奇缘的英语作文80词】写冰雪奇缘的英语作文60词篇一:
In this winter I watched a film which was called Frozen.It is about two girls called Elsa and Anna. They were very closed when they are young.One day Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly. Then Elsa start to scare her power,and not to touch anybody including Anna.Because of the film I learn two things .First, love is important to everyone,for it can make us strong. Second, confidence can make everything come true.I think if you have confidance you will make miracle,just like Anna, she has her confidance to find Elsa and at last she dose do so.

冰雪奇缘英语作文50词 关于冰雪奇缘的英语作文80词


In this winter ,I watched a film ,it called Frozen.It is about two girls–Elsa and Anna. They were very closed when they are young.One day, Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly. Then Elsa was scared,and not to touch anyone including Anna.From the film, I learn two things .First, love is important to everyone,for it can make us strong. Second, confidence can make miracle,just like Anna, she was confidant to find Elsa and at last she made it.
Like the now-classics in Disney’s Renaissance period, Frozen’s array of original tunes feels as fresh and infectious as the Menken-Ashman-Rice songs that defined a generation’s Disney musicals.
Elsa and Anna’s big confrontation song is also an epiphany song, and the two couple perfectly for a vocal explosion of character self-realization. Kudos to Kristen Bell for even trying to get a belt in edgewise while Idina Menzel chant-riffs all over the place.
SAN FRANCISCO — The blizzard continues: “Frozen 2” is coming to theaters.
旧金山——暴风雪还将继续:迪士尼公司将推出《冰雪奇缘2》(Frozen 2) 。
The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements, the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to “Frozen,” the animated musical that took in more than .3 billion globally in 2013.
周四,华特迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Company)在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集 。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元 。
Disney provided no details about the story or a release date but said the directors and producer of the first film would return for the second.
迪士尼公司没有提供电影情节或上映日期等细节,但它表示,第一部的导演和制作人将参与第二部的制作 。
A sequel helps assure the long-term viability of what has become one of Disney’s most crucial franchises. Sales of “Frozen”-related merchandise now total roughlybillion annually, and helped power Disney to a record .5 billion in profit last year. “Frozen” has also been fast-tracked for Broadway, and a Florida theme park attraction is in the works.
续集再次证明,迪士尼的这部重要改编电影具有长久生命力 。目前,《冰雪奇缘》衍生品的年销售额约为10亿美元,去年帮助迪士尼公司实现了75亿美元的利润,打破了历史记录 。《冰雪奇缘》还很快被改编成百老汇音乐剧;佛罗里达州正在修建一个《冰雪奇缘》主题公园 。
“We’re going back to Arendelle,” John Lasseter, chief creative officer for Walt Disney Animation Studios, told the crowd, referring to the kingdom in “Frozen.” The film follows two Nordic princesses, one of whom has the magical power — not always controllable — to conjure snowstorms, and their goofball snowman sidekick, Olaf.
“我们将返回阿伦黛尔(Arendelle),”华特迪士尼动画公司的首席创意官约翰·拉塞特(John Lasseter)对观众说 。阿伦黛尔是《冰雪奇缘》中的那个王国 。第一部讲述的是两位北欧公主,其中一位具有召唤暴风雪的神奇魔力,但她并不总能控制好 。她们还有一个傻乎乎的雪人伙伴——雪宝(Olaf) 。
Disney is trying to use “Frozen” to drive ticket sales for its next live-action movie, “Cinderella,” which opens on Friday and is expected to take in at leastmillion over its first three days. “Cinderella” will be shown with a new animated short called “Frozen Fever,” which finds one of the princesses, Elsa, with a bothersome cold.
迪士尼正努力用《冰雪奇缘》拉动下一部真人电影《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)的票房销售 。《灰姑娘》将于周五(3月13日)上映,预计头三天将至少赚取6500万美元 。《灰姑娘》将和新动画短片《冰雪奇缘:生日惊喜》(Frozen Fever)一起上映,短片讲述的仍是拥有召唤冰雪魔力的公主艾莎(Elsa),那种魔力总是给她招惹麻烦 。
Disney held its annual meeting at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater here, which is a few blocks from its Lucasfilm unit, and used the moment to reveal that a previously announced “Star Wars” spinoff movie, set for release next year, will be titled “Rogue One.” Additionally, Disney revealed that “Star Wars: Episode VIII” will be released in theaters in May 2017. “Episode VII” arrives this December.
迪士尼公司的年会在旧金山的艺术宫殿剧场(Palace of Fine Arts Theater)举办 。该剧场离迪士尼的卢卡斯电影分公司(Lucasfilm unit)只有几个街区之遥 。迪士尼利用这个场合宣布,之前已定于明年上映的《星球大战》(Star Wars)续集将命名为《星球大战:侠盗一号》(Rogue One) 。另外,迪士尼宣布,《星球大战8》(Star Wars: Episode VIII)将于2017年5月上映 。《星球大战7》(Episode VII)将于今年12月上映 。
The official business portion of the meeting was uneventful. Two shareholder proposals were defeated by wide margins, including one to end a practice of allowing one executive (currently Robert A. Iger) to serve as both chief executive and chairman. All members of the Disney board were comfortably re-elected.
这次会议的事务部分平淡无奇 。两项股东提案以极高票数被否决,其中一项提案意图终止允许一位执行官(目前是罗伯特·A·伊格[Robert A. Iger])同时担任首席执行官和主席的做法 。迪士尼董事会的所有成员都轻松重新当选 。
The rest of the meeting unfolded as usual. Shareholders questioned a beaming Mr. Iger about perennial concerns ranging from pin trading at theme parks to the disappearance of an obscure character called Figment, a purple dragon from an Epcot ride at Walt Disney World. Mr. Iger was also grilled by a shareholder over depictions of smoking in PG-13-rated films released by the company under secondary labels.
会议的其余部分像往常那样展开 。股东们向容光焕发的伊格提出各种老生常谈的问题,从主题公园的徽章交易到一个名叫Figment的小角色的消失——它是迪士尼乐园未来世界里的一条紫龙 。还有一位股东向伊格提出质问:公司子品牌发布的若干家长指导观看级电影中出现了抽烟画面 。
And, as always, there was a very specific question from a child, this time from a 6-year-old named Brooke: Who was the first Disney princess to walk on a Disney cruise ship? A surprised Mr. Iger punted to Thomas O. Staggs, who was recently promoted to become the company’s No. 2 executive and was sitting in the front row.
像以往一样,大会上总会有一个由某位孩子提出的特别问题 。今年的问题来自一个来自名叫布鲁克(Brooke)的六岁孩子:谁是第一个踏上迪士尼邮轮的公主?倍感意外的伊格把问题推给了托马斯·O·斯塔格斯(Thomas O. Staggs),后者最近刚被提升为该公司的二号主管,他坐在前排 。
“We couldn’t choose just one,” Mr. Staggs said, saving the day.
“我们不能只选一位,”斯塔格斯这样答复来救场 。
Before the meeting began, the sound system played “Let It Go” from “Frozen” while shareholders posed for photos with costumed characters representing major movie divisions like Pixar (Buzz Lightyear) and Lucasfilm (Stormtroopers).
会议开始前,背景音乐里播放着《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲《随心而行》(Let It Go),股东们和戏装人物合影,这些人物分别代表几个主要电影分公司,比如皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar,巴斯光年[Buzz Lightyear])和卢卡斯电影公司(风暴兵[Stormtroopers]) 。
One new twist was that Disney executives marveled at the company’s steadily climbing stock price. Disney shares rose 4 percent on Thursday, to 7.17.
一个新转折是,迪士尼的执行官们惊喜地发现,该公司的股价在稳步攀升 。周四,迪士尼的股价上涨了4%,达到107.17美元 。