无论对方的回应如何,请停止自责和羞愧,究竟一段友情的开始和结束,都不会是由某一个人、某一个错误决定的,不要觉得是你自己造成了关系的破坏 。
接纳一个真实的自己,伤心的话就哭出来,气愤的话就骂出来 。
我们不能奢望对方永远爱自己,但是自己可以 。
- The End -
References / 少女参考的文献资料:
[1] Aune, K. S., & Comstock, J. (1991).Experience and expression of jealousy: Comparison between friends and romantics. Psychologicalreports, 69(1),315-319.
[2] Parker, J. G., Low, C. M., Walker, A. R., & Gamm, B. K. (2005). Friendship jealousy in young adolescents: individual differences and links to sex, self-esteem, aggression, and social adjustment. Developmental psychology, 41(1), 235.
[3] MacEvoy, J. P., & Asher, S. R. (2012). When friends disappoint: Boys’ and girls’ responses to transgressions of friendship expectations. Child development, 83(1), 104-119.
【遭遇友情冷暴力我们应该怎么做 朋友之间冷暴力】[4] Lavallee, K. L., & Parker, J. G. (2009). The role of inflexiblefriendship beliefs, rumination, and low self-worth in early adolescents’friendship jealousy and adjustment. Journalof abnormal child psychology, 37(6),873-885.
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