面试对话英文版带翻译 商务英语面试情景对话有翻译

A: Good morning. My name is Wang Yang. I'm interested in the post of assistant accountantyou advertised in yesterday's Evening Paper, and I want to apply for the position.
B:Oh,yes, we do have such an advertisement. And I'm glad that you are interested in thejob. Now,would you begin by telling me something about yourself? What are your majorcourses in the university?
A:The main courses include Western Economics, Foreign Trade, Marketing, FinancialManagement, Accounting and Principles of Accounting.
B:Have you had any courses on computer?
A:Yes, I have. I've learned Computer Application. I can compile computer program myself.
B:Have you ever been involved in the accounting work?
A:Yes, I have. I was employed by the university after my graduation and I've been workingat the financial section of the university ever since.
B: What about your English? Can you deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English withease?
A: Well,I don't think there will be any problem. I passed the English Proficiency Test,Band Six.
A:上午好 。我叫王阳 。我看了你们登在昨天晚报上的招聘广告,我对助理会计这个职位很感兴趣,并且希望申请这个职位 。
B:啊,是的,我们的确登了这样的广告 。我很高兴你对这份工作感兴趣 。现在,请你先谈谈自己的情况好吗?你在大学主修什么课程?
A:主要课程包括西方经济学、对外贸易、市场营销、财务管理、佗月十学和会汁十学原理等 。
A:学过 。我学了计算机应用 。我还能编一些计算机程序 。
A:是的 。我毕业后一直在本校财务处工作 。
A:嗯,我想没问题 。我通过了英语六级水平考试 。
A: What do you want from the job?
B:I'd like to make good use of my specialty, taste success,and improve myself.
A: What salary would you expect?
B:The salary was three thousand Yuan per month when I was doing a part-time job. I am notfamiliar with your company's paying system. But I believe that your company will offer mea competitive salary.
A: Could you accept that you should often make business trips?
B:Yes, I could. I am young and single so I can go on trips as requested.
A: How long would you like to work for our company, if we decided to employ you?
B:I'm hunting for a long-term job, not only because l prefer this job, but also because 1want to acouire new knowledge and skills in this area.
A: When could you begin this job if we employ you?
B:I'll defend my thesis in late May so I can set to work in June.
A: Do you have some questions to ask?
B:Yes. Would you like to introduce the culture of your company?
A: The key spirit is teamwork and creation, any other questions?
B:I'd like to know if there is training for the new staff in your company. Besides, I want toknow if your company can settle the registered permanent residence and “Three-insurancesand One-Fund” for the students who are from other cities.
A : Certainly. We will give strict training to the new employees. With regard to “Three-insurancesand One Fund”,you just take it easy. Our company will settle that.
B:I have no question. Thanks.
B:我希望在工作中发挥特长 。品味成功,并不断提高个人水平 。
B:我做兼职时月薪是3000元 。我对贵公司的薪酬制度不熟悉,相信贵公司会提供富有竞争力的薪水 。
B:可以接受,我年轻力壮,又没有结婚,出差没有问题 。
B:我很中意这个职位,想在这个领域学习新知识和新技能,所以我很想找一份长期的工作 。
B: 5月下旬我们要进行论文答辩,6月份我就可以正式上班 。
A:在我们公司重要的就是团队精神和创造精神 。还有问题吗?
B:我想知道贵公司对新员工有没有职业培训 。另外 。我还想知道,贵公司能否为外地生源办理户n和“三险一金”问题 。
A:有,我们会对新录用员工进行严格培训 。至于户口和“三险一金”问题,您不用担心,公司完全能够办理 。
B:我没有别的问题了,谢谢 。
标签:关于面试的商务英语对话(翻译版) 关于面试的商务英语对话
广州英语口语对话培训 基础级别
【面试对话英文版带翻译 商务英语面试情景对话有翻译】广州高级商务英语培训