行李寄存英语怎么说 酒店行李寄存服务英语对话

行李寄存英语怎么说 酒店行李寄存服务英语对话


【行李寄存英语怎么说 酒店行李寄存服务英语对话】We do have a storage service.我们是有寄存服务的 。
Is there anything valuable or fragile in your bag?你袋子里有什么贵重的或易碎的东西吗?
Here is your tag 33.这是你的33号标签 。
This cloakroom is open until 9:00 p.m.行李寄存处开放到晚上9点 。
Then shall we arrange the bellboy to pick up your luggage at 9:00?那么我们安排服务生9点来取行李可以吗?
We'll collect your luggage at 9:00 tomorrow. Would you then come to the Front Desk to get your storage receipt, please?我们明早9点来取行李,然后麻烦您到服务台来取收据 。
Sorry, there is no baggage deposit office in the hotel.抱歉,我们宾馆没有行李寄存处 。
Certainly, sir. Please go through the formalities.当然可以,先生 。请您办一下寄存手续 。
美联英语精心挑选各种场合对话,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话,让我们开始进入行李寄存的英语对话的情景中吧 。
S:Front desk. May I help you?
G:I'm going to check out tomorrow,but I will be back in a week. Can I leave my luggage here?
S:Yes, sure. We do have a storage service. When will you be checking out tomorrow?
当然可以 。我们是有寄存服务的,请问您明天什么时候退房?
G:About nine-thirty in the morning.
大约早上9点半吧 。
S: Then shall we arrange the bellboy to pick up your luggage at 9:00?
可以 。
S:May I have your Room number, please?
1218 。
S: 1218. We'll collect your luggage at 9:00 tomorrow. Would you then come to the Front Desk to get your storage receipt, please?
1218 。我们明早9点来取行李,然后麻烦您到服务台来取收据 。
G: Thank you very much.Bye!
谢谢,再见 。
S:You're welcome. Goodbye.
不用客气,再见 。