五人英语口语对话关于旅游的初一 英语口语五人情景对话

随着当今社会对大学毕业生英语水平的要求越来越高 , 人们越来越重视学生的英语口语运用能力 。这是五人英语口语对话,让我们来看看:

五人英语口语对话关于旅游的初一 英语口语五人情景对话


A: Hey. what are you doing these days?
B: yeah, that’s what I wanna ask?
C: Why?
B: Because, you know, you look a little bit fatter than before.
C: Oh, really?
D: I’m afraid so.
C: Well, I did nothing but staying at home all these days!
E: But then how can you communicate with others?
C: Oh, I got a computer and a cell phone. So I can communicate with others by emails and messages. All things can be settled at home, so I just sit there watching the screen all the time. What I only need to do is this, and oh I see, that’s why I’ve put on so much weight.
B: I think so. Maybe you should take more exercises.
A: But don’t you think the way you communicate with others is a little too dull? I think your getting fat is related to the way you do now. Think about the ways people used to communicate with each other. Then here comes the conclusion.
B: My father told me that when he was a child if people wanted to communicate with others, they need to walk several miles to send a message, but then you know telegraph came into being, and then telephone, now, we have the Internet. Modern technology helps us make it much more easier to communicate.
D: Well, what you said is the method we use to communicate through languages. You know what? There’re also some ways people use to send their message without saying words. Just like the body language and the facial expressions. You can judge people’s real feelings by their tiny facial expressions and respond in a proper way.
E: And what I want to stress is the eye-contact. You know, our eyes are regarded as the window of our soul. You may cover up your words, but your eyes never lie. And that’s what the modern technology can never do. To communicate face to face is much more real and reliable.
C: You’re right!
D: So it’s time for you to get out of your room and chat with your friends face to face. Just like what we’re doing now!
C: OK, I will.
A:Hi everyone!
C:Do you guys know christmas is coming?
D:Yes,definatly.What is your plan,
E:I will go on a holiday with my family.What about you?
D:Oh,I will probably go out with some friends.Do you guys want to come with me?
A&B :Yes sure.
C:Sorry but i can't.I have to visit my grandpa.
F:Same here!i am also going to visit my grandpa.
G:I would like to go out with D.but where are you planning to go?
D:I'm not sure.what do you guys think?
A:maybe we can go to the cinema.
B:or we can go the restruant.
D:what about you
G:i think we can go watch a moive first before going to the restruant.
A&B&D :that's a good idea.
E:i know a resturant near the school.and it is really good.
F:are you saying the maxican one?
F:i know that one as well.and it is really nice.i went there before with my parents.i suggest you guys can go there.
C:and also,i heard that a new movie is coming out during christmas.
A&B:that's so cool!
D&G:we are sure going to have a wonderful christmas!merry christmas everyone.
A,B,C,E,F:you too have a good chirstmas.
A—Alice B—Betty C—Cindy D—Doris E—Ella
A & C :Hey , Betty ! Nice to meet you !
C : Oh ! What’s wrong with you ? You don’t look well !
B : Yes , I feel bad now , and I even suffer from nausea for a while .
D : What a burning day ! Hey , Betty , Cindy & Alice ! What are you talking about?
A : Hey , Doris !
C : There is something wrong with Betty !
D : Betty , you are very pale ! You may have a sunstroke in such hot day!
B : Maybe that , I really don’t feel quite well.
C : You must go and have a rest in the house.
A : There is a cafeteria owned by Ella ,just right there , in the corner of the street . Let’s go there.
E : Welcome!Oh , long time no see ! Betty , Are you feeling well ?
B : Come on ! You are the third such a person to say this word to me.
D : Ella ,Betty may have a sunstroke ! Where is the water?
E : Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that. Here is the Dilute brine which you need right now !
B : Well , I do feel better now ! Ella ,do you mind open the air-conditioner?
C : Don’t turn the air conditioning temperature too low !
A : Yeah! Cindy is right ,27 centigrade is the best !
E : Ok ! There are some mung bean in my kitchen. I’m going to making some mung bean soup for all of you !
B : Oh ,dear ! You are so considerate.
A&C : Thank you very much ,Ella !

五人英语口语对话关于旅游的初一 英语口语五人情景对话


D:Excuse me ! I can’t have the frozen food. I have just recovered from my stomach ache.
E : All right , besides , Betty can’t have such cool food , either.
C : Ella , do you have any ice block , I just want something cool.
A : So do I . I ‘m dying of the heat.
E: It’s a piece of cake ! Have a good rest and enjoy your time!
B : I feel good now ,thanks for your help !
A : That’s all right.
C : Where did you plan to go ,Betty?
B : I just went to the gym to play the table tennis ,and I was on my way home.
A : Oh , you may overdid exercise , do you have any water after you play it?
B : Er , I just have a little because I think I would get home quickly , so ……
D : No wonder you have a sunstroke ! You should take care of youself !
E : Mung bean soup is coming ! Have a taste !
A : Delicious ! It is very nice of you , Ella!
E : It’s my pleasure . By the way , Cindy, don’t put too much ice block into mung bean soup , or you may have stomach ache.
D : Ella is right. My stomach ache due to eating too much ice watermelon , you might as well not do this .
C : Ok! Thanks for your advice ! And , how do you feel now , Betty ?
B : I think I pull though all right !
C : Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched . You have not recovery at all
D : You’d better have a complete rest after you go home . What’s more you should do the same thing like this , or you’ll get sunstroke again .
B : I know , I know. I do not make the same mistake again.
E : Don’t forget to eat light food these days ! If you don’t feel well , you must go to hospital.
A : What’s more , you must have a thoroughly rest in your home . Don’t overdo exercise anytime !
B:OK ! OK ! I think I’m better now , and I have the power to go home.
C : I can send you home !
A : Cindy and I was just on the way to have afternoon tea , and now we have it . hhh
D : You should bring a umbrella to protect you from the sunlight . I happen to bring another one .
C : Doris , you are very thoughtful !
D : It’s my pleasure ! Ella , do you need someone to help you ? I’m very interesting in making coffee and willing to help you !
E : You are so nice ! Tell you the truth , It’s the first time I spent time on personal affairs today . I’m so busy these days. Thank you for your help !
A : Doris , enjoy your time with Ella !
C : Betty , Let’s go home !
B : Have a good time , bye !
D&E : Be careful on road ! Bye !
A B C : Bye!
A:Will you book a ticket to New York for me?
B:Yes,sir.When do you want to leave here?
可以 , 想什么时候离开?
A:This Saturday.
本周六 。
B:Will,that'll be the sixth of September.
那就是九月六日 。
A:That's right.Will you check what filghts are available on the sixth of September?
正是 , 您查一查九月六日有哪些航班好吗?
B:I'll check it over.Oh,there're three flights avaliable that day.one at 2 p.m., one at 5 p.m. and the other at 9p.m.
我来查一查 。噢 , 那天有三次航班.下午两点、五点和晚上九点 。
A:I'll have the 5 o'clock one.What time do I check in?
我想乘坐五点的航班 。几点检票?
B:4 o'clock.
四点 。
A:Thank you.
谢谢 。
1. book sth for sb 为某人订……
British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children…
英国官员已为妇女和儿童预订了宾馆房间 。
2. a ticket to… ……的票
I'd like to book a ticket to rome.
我想预定一张去罗马的票 。
3. the sixth of September 九月六日
相当于September , (the) sixth , 两种表达都对 , 书写时可为,September 6th 。
Don't you remember our wedding anniversary? It's the sixth of September.
你不记得我们的结婚纪念日了吗?是九月六号 。
4. check sth over 检查 , 查看
You should check over your examination paper first.
你应该首先检查你的考卷 。
5. one…, the other… 一个…… , 另一个……
用于两者之间;三者之间用one…, another… 。
One girl is from Britain, while the other is from America.
一个女孩来自英国 , 另一个来自美国 。
6. check in 检票 , 签到
Where can I check in?
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