看病英语对话简单 看病英语对话3分钟

看病英语对话简单 看病英语对话3分钟


学习英语口语的童鞋关心的还是口语方面的交流 。口语交流的前提是必须得有充足的口语句子作为基础,美联英语给大家整理出来的就是一些简单的日常英语口语对话,本篇是看病英语对话
A:( To himself )Today,there're so many people here. It looks like I'm in for a long wait. ( To the nurse )As it's so busy, will it be all right if I come back later?B: No, you'd better wait, because the registration time is between 8 and 11 o'clock, and now it's almost 10:15.
A: Can I register now and see the doctor in the afternoon?B: Yes ,you can, but if you don't wait, a lot of patients will be before you, and you won't be able to get the chance to see the doctor today. Besides, since you have a high temperature, the sooner yousee the doctor,the better.
A: I see. I'd better wait then. Can you tell me how to get to the Medical Department please?B: Take the lift to the fourth floor, go through the double doors on your right, and go along the corridor until you see the Medical Department on your left.
A :Thanks a lot. By the way,what day is the consultant available?B: Every Tuesday afternoon.A: Oh, that's today. So I'm lucky.A:(自言自语)今天病人真多呀,看来,我注定是要久等了 。(对护士)现在病人那么多,我过会儿再来挂号行吗?B:我看你还是等等吧,挂号时间是8-11点;而现在已经快10点15分啦 。
A:我现在先挂个号,下午再来看病,行吗?B:行倒是行,可你要是不等的话,许多病人就会排到你的前面,今天你就看不上病了 。再说,你正在发烧,尽早看病不是更好嘛 。
A:是啊,还是等吧 。请问去内科往哪边走?B:先乘电梯上四楼,右拐弯穿过双门,沿走廊一直向前,左边便是 。
A:多谢 。对了,专家门诊是星期几?B:每周二下午 。A:哦,那不正是今天嘛,这么说,我真走运 。
【看病英语对话简单 看病英语对话3分钟】以上就是美联英语小编为您整理的看病英语对话 。“哑巴英语”也是见怪不怪了,学英语、考级的目的不是衡量什么,很多人级别是很高,大家都会说很了不起之类的,英语水平达到这种程度很不错,但是遇到外国人却冒不英语来,这就是典型的哑巴英语,除了找到方法和技巧外还要学会走捷径 。长沙美联英语开设英语口语,成人英语等课程,欢迎大家报读,提升英语交流能力 。