卖眼镜英语 眼镜行业英语

夏天太阳镜的款式很多,有方形、椭圆形、六边形、斜边形等 。选择时,尺寸可以适当大一些 。
1)Have you seen an optometrist?
2) What sort of frame would you prefer?
3) I think the round frame would suit yourface nicely.
我认为圆形的眼镜架会更适合你的脸型 。
4) The oval shape frame would look good on you, too.
你配戴椭圆形的眼镜架也会十分好看 。
5) These are new arrivals. Look nice on you.
这些是新款式,你戴起来十分好看 。
6) Is the image clearer with lens A or lens B?
7) I'm afraid you'll need an eye test.
恐怕你需要查一下眼睛 。
8) Do you want an eye test?
9) May I adjust your frame?
10) It's $100 for the first pair, and $80 for a second.
一副眼镜是100美元 。你买第二副,只需80美元 。
11)That's because the special lenses for astigmatism cost extra.
就是因为你患有散光,镜片比较特殊,所以需要额外收费 。
12) My frame is broken, can you repair it?
13) The arm has come off.
一条眼镜腿掉下来了 。

卖眼镜英语 眼镜行业英语


Customer: I'd like to see some sunglasses.
我想看一些太阳眼镜 。
Clerk: These are new arrivals. Look nice onyou.
这些是新款式,你戴起来十分好看 。
Customer: Yes, it seems to suit my face. Andwhat kinds of lenses do you have?
是啊,似乎很衬我的脸型 。你们都有什么样的镜片呢?
Clerk: Now, for the lens color, we have three tints: rose, yellow and grey.Each has three depths of color to choose. So you can decide how dark you want it to be.
至于镜片颜色,我们有玫瑰红色,黄色和灰色三种,每种颜色有三个不同深浅程度,所以你可以选择不同深浅色的镜片 。
Customer: Are they different in price?
Clerk: No, they all cost the same.
没有,它们的售价完全一样 。
Customer: OK. I think I like medium grey.
好吧,我喜欢中灰色 。
Clerk: Can I also recommend UV coating on your lenses? This will protectyour eyes from harmful rays. It costs a little extra, but it's worth it.
你可考虑在太阳眼镜片上加一层防紫外线光膜,这会防止有害光线伤害你的眼睛,价钱是贵一点,但是物有所值 。
Customer:OK. I'll have that as well.
好吧,我要那个光膜 。
Clerk:Fine. You can take the sunglasses the day after tomorrow.
好,你可以后天来拿你的太阳眼镜 。
Customer: Thank you.
【卖眼镜英语 眼镜行业英语】谢谢 。