雅思作文 科技进步利弊 雅思大作文传统文化该不该保留

想在雅思写作中拿高分,希望大家一定要重视雅思写作高分的积累,多了解一下雅思写作技巧是什么 。上海英语边肖为您提供雅思写作样本及其翻译 。这篇文章是关于传统技术的存废问题 。
Some people believe that when a country begins to develop its science and technology, the traditional technology and methods are bound to die out. Therefore, the maintenance of the traditional technology and methods is futile. Do you agree or disagree?
一些人认为当一个国家发展科学技术的时候,传统技术方法必定会消失,而且,保留传统技术是没有用的 。你是否同意?
Recently, the issue regarding the future of traditional technology and methods in the midst of the rapid development of science and technology has been in the limelight. Some people argue that the traditional technology and methods are bound to die out, hence the futility of maintaining them. On the other hand, some people firmly believe that the traditional technology and method will survive the technological revolution. As far as I am concerned, the latter opinion carries more weight.
For one thing, being traditional is quite different from being out of date or obsolete. Tradition is what we inherit from our forefathers, and its being handed down from generation to generation itself proves its capacity to survive. It is only those things that have weathered arduous trials time after time that can be called tradition; otherwise, they are something obsolete.
For another, the survival of traditional technology and methods does not mean that they linger on in a steadily worsening condition. On the contrary, their existence tends to propel and even accelerate the development of science and technology. If we compare the development of science and technology to the construction of a modern building, the traditional technology and methods can be likened to the foundation. Without a solid foundation, the building is destined to collapse.
In addition, the development of science and technology originates in traditional technology and methods. Thus, development itself does not exclude tradition, but requires its assistance.In a word, development and technological renovation can only be accomplished on the basis of traditional technology and methods. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that traditional technology and methods are far from obsolescence, and are bound to contribute more to the development of science and technology.上海英语资深老师解析:辩论型题目 。范文使用了一边倒的结构,第一段解释了题目并提出自己的观点,中间三段论述了自己支持的观点,每一段都使用了2-3句支持句作为观点解释,后一段整体论述总结,范文结构非常经典,思路流程,语言很好 。[雅思作文范文考官评分:8]
【雅思作文 科技进步利弊 雅思大作文传统文化该不该保留】当今科学技术飞速发展,其中传统技术方法的未来发展问题近成为人们争论的焦点 。有些人认为传统的技术方法必定会消失,因此,保留它们是没有任何价值的 。另一方面,有些人坚信传统的技术方法将在技术革命后继续存在 。据我所知,后者的观点更可靠 。首先,传统并不意味着过时和陈旧 。传统是从我们祖先那里继承而来的,然后通过世世代代的验证而流传至今的,它的存在本身就证明其价值 。只有那些经历一次次严峻考验的事物才能称之为传统,反之,只能被人们遗弃 。
其次,现存的传统技术方法并没有每况愈下,反而能推进、甚至加速科学技术的发展 。如果我们把科学技术的发展比作现代建筑的构建的话,那么传统技术方法就是地基,没有坚实的地基,建筑终会倒塌 。
而且,科学技术就是从传统技术方法发展而来的,所以它的自身发展并不会和传统相抵触,相反还需要传统的帮助 。总之,发展和技术革新只有通过传统技术方法才能得以实现 。基于上述讨论,我们完全可以得出结论:传统技术方法完全不会被淘汰,一定会为科学技术的发展做出更多贡献 。
上海英语认为,所谓雅思作文,就是文章要‘撰’出来,更要‘钻’进去,才能写出好文,妙文 。既不拘泥俗套,又惟妙惟肖 。雅思作文若如此修炼,不但事半功倍,且暗合英文思维表达,更符合官方要求,上海英语小编希望本篇关于传统技术存废的雅思作文范文能给大家有所启发 。