中小学英语考试中,经常考六月的英语,大家要记住英语月 。你想了解英语月份怎么记?吗?事实上,本月英语可以用例句记忆 。接下来,边肖告诉你如何记住特定的英语月份 。让我们来看看!
在一月最后期限前联合国180个成员国只有18个缴纳了会费 。
Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.
他明年一月退休 。
He retires next January
一月下旬天气就这么暖和有点反常 。
It was unseasonably mild for late January.
“其实我们本意是一季度一次 。”——“哦,一季度一次,对不起,我还以为一月一次呢 。”
'We're meant to do it quarterly actually.' — 'Oh quarterly, I beg your pardon, I thought it was monthly.'
就一月而言,天气是相当暖和的 。
It's quite warm for january.
这些树二月里长叶子 。
These trees come into leaf in February.
二月的空气柔和、凉爽而怡人 。
The February air was soft, cool, and inviting
停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花 。(杜牧《山行》)
I stop my carriage to admire the Maple Grove at nightfall,' whose frosty leaves are redder than the flowers of early spring.
在冬季,有十二月,一月和二月 。
In winter, there are December, January and.
在一月和二月非常冷 。
It's very cold in January and February.
我饶有兴致地阅读了杰曼·格里尔在三月那期发表的文章 。
I read Germaine Greer's article in the March issue with particular interest.
会议原计划于三月开幕 。
The conference was originally planned to open in March.
婚礼定于三月初举行 。
【英语月份怎样记住 如何记住英语月份】The wedding will be at the beginning of March.
自从在刚过去的三月掌权以来,政府的支持率依旧未减 。
The government have retained the support which greeted their assumption of power last March.
试行已阅三月 。
Three months have passed since we started to try this out.
一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天 。
April weather, rain and shine both together.
卡尔生于四月十日 。
Karl was born on april10th.
她的感情总是象四月的无定准的轻风一样 。
Her emotions were always as unstable as the light winds of april.
April, June, and November;
九月,四月,六月和十一月有三十天 。
Thirty days have September, April, June, and November.
我第一次执行警戒任务是在那个五月的晚上 。
I had the first watch that May evening.
本杂志五月号将刊载该故事的动人续篇 。
The May number of the magazine will contain an exciting continuation of the story.
五月的花儿红呀么红似火 。
Red as fire are the flowers that bloom in May.
五月,在苗圃里施上肥 。
In May, mulch the bed with garden compost.
她被推选为今年的五月女王 。
She is elected as may queen this year.
六月二日是他的大喜日子,他要结婚了 。
June 2nd will be a red-letter day for him, he's getting married.
六月带来了夏日的第一缕热气 。
June had brought with it the first of the summer warmth.
六月的山坡杜鹃花一片火红 。
The hillsides in June flame with azaleas.
五六月湿热的天气严重影响了桑顿巧克力的销售 。
Sticky weather in May and June clobbered sales of Thorntons 'chocolates.
英国乡村在五、六月间景色最美 。
The English countryside looks its best in May and June.
明年七月这两家公司将合并 。
The two companies will consolidate in July next year.
选举提前到七月举行,因为八月很多人度假去了 。
The election will be brought forward to July as so many people are on holiday in august.
我校每年七月放暑假 。
Our school begins summer vacation in July every year.
七月和八月是雨季 。
In July and August we have a rainy season.
他在耶路撒冷度过了一月、六月和七月 。
He spent January, June and July in Jerusalem.
七八月间,石油产品价格下降了0.2% 。
Between July and August, oil product prices fell 0.2 per cent
选举提前到七月举行,因为八月很多人度假去了 。
The election will be brought forward to July as so many people are on holiday in august.
这会儿,八月的暑热几乎使人受不了 。
Meantime the August heat was almost unbearable.
七月和八月是雨季 。
In July and August we have a rainy season.
八月、十月和十二月 。
August, October and December.
同年九月这座大桥竣工 。
The bridge was completed in September of the same year.
在秋季,有九月,十月和十一月 。
In fall, there are September, October and November.
九月,四月,六月和十一月有三十天 。
Thirty days have September, April, June, and November.
九月和十月总是很暖和 。
It's always warm in September and October.
秋天将会是九月,十月和十一月之王 。
Autumn will be king in September, October and November.
中国革命是伟大的十月革命的继续 。
The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.
外长们正在莫斯科市中心富丽堂皇的十月酒店里开会 。
The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow.
股市在十月末开始止跌回升 。
The stock market began to rally at the end of october.
她会美妙地把自己安置在我们家客厅里面一道十月阳光之中 。
She would artfully position herself in a beam of October sunlight in our living room.
十月下雪在这儿不是什么稀奇的事 。
Snow in October is nothing strange in this place.
已经是十一月底了,天色十分阴暗 。
It was the end of November and the day was very cheerless.
April, June, and November;
在秋季,有九月,十月和十一月 。
In fall, there are September, October and November.
九月,四月,六月和十一月有三十天 。
Thirty days have September, April, June, and November.
我的哥哥今年十一月要结婚了 。
My brother is getting married this November.
在冬季,有十二月,一月和二月 。
In winter, there are December, January and.
八月、十月和十二月 。
August, October and December.
因为他十一月、十二月、一月和二月就是这样做的 。
Because he's done that in November, December, January and February.
澳大利亚的十二月,一月和二月是夏天 。
December, January and February are summer months in Australia.
我们的国家是不庆祝圣诞节,所以我们在十一月,十二月和一月的购买 。
Our country is not celebrating Christmas so we are buying in November, December and January.
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