public garden and parks雅思口语

1garden 雅思 口语话题
想要提高雅思口语成绩,那么在平时的复习中,就要多练习各种各类的口语话题 。练习的多了,可以帮助大家更好的理清思路,在口语考试中有更好的表现 。下面是小编搜集整理的关于garden雅思口语话题的资料,欢迎查阅 。

public garden and parks雅思口语


Describe a garden that you visited and that you liked
You should say:
where it is ①
what scenery it has ②
what people do there ③
and explain why you liked it ④
①: 简单交代地理位置即可 。
②: 风景描述 。可以是公园里的花草树木,建筑物 。
③: 功能介绍 。人们在公园里进行的活动 。如:晨练,踏青,散步休闲等等 。
④: 重点描述所描述的公园带给你的感受 。可运用我课上讲到的技巧: 外在感觉+内心感受相辅相成进行升华 。而其中以内心的感受为主,争取能够给考官讲述出一副生动的画面 。
Alryt, I wanna talk about the Ampere Garden by this chance. It is located at the central part of Changping District on the north bank of the ancient Canal.
It is an exquisitely beautiful garden indeed. More than 50 species of trees & shrubs are represented, This garden is at its best in late May and June, when the trees & flowers are green and in full bloom. Ooooops! The color comes from both the profusion of flowers and from colorful foliage. Autumn brings dramatic colors of changing leaves, while the winter season allows the visitor to see exquisite examples of bark, berries, and woody textures.
It’s peaceful in the morning, you can see seniors doing exercise and kids frolicking around. When the dark falls, you can see couples chatting under the trees, sitting on the grassland or walking on the bank of the lake. Actually, it is a good place for everyone.
There, all is naught but order and beauty, luxury, calm and voluptuousness. Imagine yourself to be standing there in mid-garden, this extraordinary beauty all around you. Imagine or see the colors, the shapes, the spaces, the feel of this garden, the textures, the smells, the sounds of this exquisite garden. Wood, stone and brick combine seamlessly with plants to create an elegant garden that is just right for relaxation & contemplation. … this garden is more beautiful than any one I've ever seen in my life, I swear!
2雅思口语A well known story话题
Describe a well-known traditional story from your country.
You should say:
who told you the story
when you (first) heard it
what it was about
and explain how you felt when you heard this story.
话题:一个传统的家喻户晓的故事,大家可以选择的故事特别多 。
1.电视剧,名著:《西游记》Journey to the West; 《白蛇传》The Legend of the White Snake;《天仙配》Angel Matches;《三国演义》The Romance of the Three Kingdoms等等 。
2.传统小故事,耳熟能详《孔融让梨》《孟母三迁》《凿壁偷光》《曹冲称象》等等 。
3. 传统节日相关,“屈原投江”可以结合传统节日端午节,除夕的故事,“牛郎织女”结合七夕节,“嫦娥奔月”结合中秋节等等 。
当然在网上有很多这样的小故事的英文资料,大家不妨可以搜索一下相关的语料,但是呢,最好能改编成符合自己语言水平的语料,遇到一些特别难的词,不妨做一下同义替换 。今天跟大家分享的一个故事就是一个对中国人都很有特别意义的一个节日:除夕 。
大家知道除夕是一年中最重要的日子,全家人在一起守岁,中国的CCTV一年中最盛大的晚会——春节联欢晚会也是在除夕那一夜进行,可见这个日子的特殊性 。大家知道除夕的名字是除掉”夕”的意思,很多春节期间大家的传统活动和习俗都跟这个神话故事是有关系的,接下来我跟大家讲一下“除夕”的由来 。
在古代有一只怪兽叫做“夕”,它专门在新年的第一天出现,吃很多活物,家畜甚至是孩子 。村民为了避免被伤害,都会提早准备食物放在门口供怪兽食用 。但是,经年累月,有的村民想要永远消除怪兽对大家的威胁,于是决定除掉“夕”,经由一个神仙指点,他们得知怪兽害怕红色的东西和爆竹的声音 。于是在新年的前一天,大家都会在门上,窗子上贴红色的东西,并且燃放爆竹 。这就是除夕的由来 。现在大家在过年的时候依然贴对联、窗花、燃放鞭炮烟花 。
Well, there are lots of traditional stories that are familiar to everyone in China. Some of them are from history books and novels, like Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Some are mythology, such as The Legend of the White Snake and Angel Matches. I’d like to tell you a traditional legend story, which is a household story in China. The first time I heard it was on the eve of lunar New Year telling by my dad as a bedside story, maybe before my kindergarten year I guess. I asked my dad why we pasted so many red paper-cuts on the doors and windows. My dad said it is a tradition and then told me a story that I remember very well. Long time ago, there was a mythical beast called the Xi. Xi would come on the first day of New Year to eat livestock, crops, and even villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Xi ate the food they prepared, it wouldn't attack any more people. One day, a villager decided to get revenge on the Xi. A god visited him and told him to put red paper on his house and to place firecrackers. The villagers then understood that the Xi was afraid of the color red. When the New Year was about to come, the villagers would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. People also used firecrackers to frighten away the Xi. From then on, Xi never came to the village again. Frankly speaking, when I heard the story I was a little bit frightened by the beast, you know, back then I was a toddler. I was afraid maybe the beast would come and eat me!
A website you like to visit

public garden and parks雅思口语


You should say:
• When you found it
• What it is about
• How often you visit it
• And explain why you like this website
然后引入这个网站 。客观并简短地介绍一下这个网站的主要用途;
用过去时态说一下第一次接触这个网站是什么时候 。喜欢它的地方,还可以做一个对比,说说有什么缺陷;
再进行对比,说说别人也喜欢这个网站吗,或是别人在这个网站上都做什么 。
最后再来一个进行时作为总结,说一下以后要不要继续频繁使用这个网站了,或者以后会不会转向其他的网站 。
不需要进行大篇幅的介绍去描述这个网站或是创始人,还要尝试使用不同的时态去完成这个两分钟 。
a tricky topic 难的话题
on a day-to-day basis 在日常生活
get online 上线
bring up this one 提一下这个
search engine 搜索引擎
pretty much like… 跟……基本上差不多
chat to… 和某人聊天
recommend sb. to do… 推荐/建议某人做某事
pretty handy 挺有用的
sign up for… 注册……
over the internet 在网上
Well, to be honest, I’ve got to say this is quite a tricky topic for me, cause I do get online quite a lot and there are loads of webpages that I like to visit on a day-to-day basis; but if I’ve got to tell you about one of them, perhaps I could bring up this one
I reckon you must have heard of Yahoo. If not, I use it just as a search engine, pretty much like Google. Of course they do many other things, like finance and that. When I first started to chat to internet friends back in high school, I met an American guy who recommended me to download Yahoo messenger. That’s the first time I heard about this Yahoo thing. To be honest, I’d never really liked yahoo messenger so I stopped using it pretty soon. But then I discovered was actually a pretty handy website which could help me solve all my doubts and questions.
What’s more, I could sign up for an email address and that. In fact, I didn’t use to use Yahoo as much as I got on Google, but since Google got blocked over here in China, I’ve sort of moved back onto Yahoo. These days, I mainly just use it to check some English idioms for my own interest. Apart from that, I really enjoy browsing for all kinds of images and that on it. Even some of my friends are starting to use Yahoo too, although most people around me still prefer Baidu which is possibly one of the most popular search engines in my country.
Anyway, I have to say deep down I still kind of like Google better, although I cannot really think of anything bad about Yahoo yet. I mean at the moment, I’m quite happy with what I can get over the internet with the help of Yahoo. Hopefully Google will be allowed soon so I can have more choices. That’s all I can tell you about right now.
Describe an experience that you were scared(new)
When it happened
Where you were
Who you were with
Why you were scared
How you felt about it
I have been through some terrible things in junior high school.One day, I went to the amusement park, and bought a balloon on the clown's hand. Unfortunately, during the roller coaster ride,the balloon flew away because the speed too fast.
在我初中的时候,我遇到一个非常可怕的事 。有一天,我去游乐园玩,然后在小丑的手上买了一个气球 。玩过山车的期间,由于速度很快导致气球飞走了 。
When we played a lot of recreational projects, we still wanted to ride a roller coaster once again. Suddenly, when I was riding the roller coaster, I found the clown holding balloon and smiling at me.I’s pretty sure that balloon was mine.Why was he holding this balloon? And why laughed at me.
当我和好朋友在玩了很多项目之后,我们依然还想再玩一次过山车 。突然,在乘坐过山车的时候,我发现那个小丑拿着那只飞走的气球对我笑 。我很确定那个气球是我的,为什么他还拿着这个气球 。而且为什么对我笑 。
At that time, I was very scared, so I felt a very depressed.I didn't know what happened,but I really knew that was my balloon. And the clown mysteriously looked at me and smiled. These things are unbelievable.
【public garden and parks雅思口语】那个时候我感到非常的害怕,让我有一种很压抑的感觉 。我不知道发生什么,但是我真的认为那个是我的气球,而且这个小丑很神秘的看着我笑 。这些事情特别的难以想象 。