雅思口语应试技巧 雅思口语技巧汇总

1 雅思 口语 方法
雅思口语考试不同Part有不一样的规律,考生们首先要熟悉每一个Part当中出题的规律 。今天小编给大家分享一些雅思口语方法,希望对您有所帮助!
当我们用论据去解释论点时,至少需要2个以上的论据才能形成一定的逻辑 。

雅思口语应试技巧 雅思口语技巧汇总


Q.:Do you eat chocolate?
Yes,I like sweet food and I enjoy eating chocolates of Kisses and Dove and drinking chocolate milk.
Yes,I do. Actually I guess I might be sort of addicted to chocolates. When I'm doing my homework, working out in the gym, shopping in the street or feeling tired and dozy in the afternoon, a bite of Godiva/chocolate bar can always do the magic to refill my energy. Besides, chocolates are even more mouth-watering when being combined with milk, hazelnut or simply syrup.
高分答案的亮点就是多运用并列、高级词汇和短语 。
1)besides,表示前后两部分是并列的,是两个层面的回答 。
2)答案中运用了高级词汇和词组提亮内容 。
be addicted to 对……上瘾,沉溺于
work out 锻炼
dozy 困倦的
refill my energy 补充我的能量
hazelnut 榛子
syrup 糖浆
Q.:Do you like flowers?
【雅思口语应试技巧 雅思口语技巧汇总】Sure.Flowers are important in my life.I like many kinds of flowers.They are beautiful and fragrant.
I'm quite fond of flowers due to the fact that there are a large range of pretty species. Furthermore, flowers are gorgeous and add colour to our lives, which can allow us to have an optimistic state of mind. More importantly, when I feel depressed or simply unhappy, a bunch of stunning flowers can absolutely cheer me up.
又是important、beautiful、interesting这三个词,这三个词出现频率也太高了,都有点听觉疲劳了 。
a large range of 很多种
species 种类
add colour to 增添色彩
optimistic state of mind 乐观的心态
depressed 沮丧的
stunning 绝美的,极好的
cheer up 使……振奋
Q.:Do flowers have special meanings in your country?
Sure.I think the most special flowers inChina is roses, because it stands for love and romance.
There are a few flowers that hold special cultural and historical significance in China including lotus, peony,narcissus,carnation and jasmine.The lotus flower in Chinese culture symbolize purity of the heart and mind.The peony is the national flower of China and it signifies the richness, prosperity, honour and high social status.
所以,这个方法简言之就是先整体概括,在选择一两个点着重介绍,丰富内容 。
lotus 莲花
peony 牡丹
narcissus 水仙
carnation 康乃馨
jasmine 茉莉
symbolize 象征,代表
purity 纯洁
signify 表示
prosperity 繁荣,兴旺
Q.:Is it important to be patient?
Yes,It's very important to be patient. If you are patient, you can control your mood and feel happy all the time.if not, you'll easily lose temper.
?It's not easy to be patient, especially living in china, which is one of the biggest countries with large populations. Occasionally, we have to wait for food ,see a doctor and even pay the parking charge or bu stuck in the traffic. There are countless times we have to wait and from time to time it becomes frustrating. However, it's a great exercise for us to improve our endurance.
?It is essential to be patient, especially in our nation, due to the large population in most areas. For instance, it' s fundamental to be tolerant when waiting for food in a restaurant during peak hours or lining up in a long queue to buy a train ticket. Patience makes our society more pleasant, specifically since impatient people tend to get easily angry at others.
这里的patient并非名词,而是形容词“耐心的",遇到抽象类话题,可以向以上两种形式回答 。
在高分答案中,先是陈述观点说耐心很重要,紧接着,通过For instance一个短语直接列出了两个例子来证明观点 。
countless 无数的
frustrating 沮丧的
essential 必要的
fundamental 基本的
tolerant 容忍的
line up in a long queue 排长队
pleasant 愉快的
impatient 焦躁的
bu stuck in 陷于,困住
Q.:How do you feel about ads?
I hate ads, especially when I watch my favourite songs. Ads are very disturbing and boring. They sometimes jump in suddenly and cut the plots into pecies.
In my view, some ads can be annoying while others are humourous and amusing. On the one hand, during a TV show or movie, ads can be really bothersome and disruptive. However, they could light up my mood if they are delightful and funny.
答案利用了正反法的逻辑,出现两种相反的观点,一方面认为广告很烦人,另一方面认为广告很有趣;万事万物皆有两面性,只要理由充分皆合理 。
amusing 有趣的,好笑的
bothersome 令人讨厌的
disruptive 破坏的,扰人的
light up 点亮,振奋
delightful 令人愉快的
分说法的核心是It depends on,它的后面加的是一个条件,条件成立时,是什么样子,条件不成立时,又是什么样子 。
Q.:How poeple in the future may describe the early 21st century?
How poeple in the future may describe the early 21st century will largely depend on the development of economy and technology in the future. On the scenario,if science and technology become even much more advanced, then, our future generation may describe the early 21st century as less-sophisticated and even outdated. On the contrary,if the technologic and economic development will not be as good as we have in the early 21st century, they will admire our achievements and be so proud of us.
这里所说的词汇储备并不同于网上的单词量测试,这里的词汇,不是会认,也不是会拼,而是会说,“会说”这个要求说难不难,说简单也不简单,因为它虽然不要求考生拼写单词,但是需要烤鸭们在特定的口语情境下有一定的词库 。

雅思口语应试技巧 雅思口语技巧汇总


teacher的日常行动:impart knowledge/discuss theory/instill a sense of morality /offer suggestions/give feedback/check homework
我们对于teacher的感情:admire/respect(admirable/respectful)/appreciate/feel greatful
当大家来看我写下的词库时,会发现很多词是我们在书写中常用的,也并不“高级”,大家都知道书写的速度要远慢于说话的速度,写作时或许有30秒的思考时间,但在口语中即使10秒的停顿都非常有损分数,所以很多烤鸭对于口语的反映是:“这些词明明学过,但是就是想不起来说”,要克服这个困难,在考试之前明确自己对于每个话题能说出足够的关键词是非常必要的,这也是达到口语7分的第一个必要步骤(这个过程一定不能离开“开口说”,不能只停留在“写”上) 。
在练习每一个题卡的时候,要对题卡所指的情景有所了解,练习初期可以先强迫自己说出尽可能有关的词,并且积累词库,以上的teacher是一例,其他像是science或者environment话题就有新的关键词,练习的方法是将题卡归纳到不同情景,然后总结词库(记忆力好的烤鸭甚至不用写下来),达到对于每一个情境能够灵活运用学过的词语及词伙的程度 。
有了词汇和词伙做砖头,下一步就是句型的“筋骨”了,口语和写作的不同在于,在口语中很多我们写作中并不提倡的句型其实只要流畅使用就丝毫不会影响分数,一个显著的例子就是there be 句型,在口语中其实是非常非常好用的,其他的口语常用句型还有这些:
The reason why….is/because
I would like to…../i prefer
Enable us to /allow us to
It is really +adj +for me to
I find it +adj+ to (eg.i find it lucky to have such a quiet neighbor)
Among all the..i like..best
As for….Speaking of…/turning to /when it comes to
My favorite is /the most popular …is
It takes /took me +时间+to
…As much as …
Anything like that … (注意this 和that 的使用)
As long as…
…Rather than/instead of
很多烤鸭面对一些考题的时候反映没有素材或者观点可以说(普遍出现在part2和part3中),因此借助网上的素材或者老师的故事,殊不知这种素材重复率高,也极有可能被判为背诵素材,其实对于其他人的素材最恰当的态度应该是借鉴他们的表达方式和句型词汇,故事可以用自己的,而且,当你面对比较抽象的概念时,也可以直接讲自己的故事 。
进行到第四步的时候,烤鸭们对于每个话题已经有一些词汇可以说,且在没有话说的时候可以机智地讲讲自己的故事来和考官互动起来,在这个基础上,要向更高的分数冲刺,需要保证自己的观点有条理,以及涵盖全面 。什么叫做涵盖全面呢?再来举个栗子:
Q:if you were going to give a present to a child ,what would you give ?
一些烤鸭直接说toy或者transformers ,其实都是基于经验中最常见的小孩来回答了,可以想见,有些烤鸭周围的小朋友中女生多一点,他的答案大约就是Barbie doll或者toy bear ,而身边男生多一些的烤鸭,会倾向于哒toy gun等,可见这样的答案是不全面的,在问题没有限定的基础下,应该考虑大的概念,就是child了,因此可以是男生也可以是女生,7分的答法应该是It depends on whether the child is boy or girl..然后分情况讨论 。
常用的其他分类有在people里的老人和年轻人分类,男女分类以及年轻人分类,具体的情况要具体分析,但是最首要的应该是建立分类的思想,学会用it depends
口语考试的思想要求分别是流畅性及连贯性(FC)、词汇量(LR)、语法运用范围与其正确性(GRA)以及发音(P) 。在这四项中,尤其需要保证表达的流畅性,也就是如果需要拿到口语7分,最好能够在考官面前一个卡顿都不出现,这个要求听起来有些恐怖,但是其实如果平常练习地多,是并不难达到的 。
就是考官其实想听到的是你的“干货”,他需要结接受足够的信息,也就是言之有物 。再说的通俗一点,考官需要你的解释,你的举例 。比如
“挺不错的,我们团购的,性价比高,跟闺蜜一起去的,拿了优惠券,下次去还可以打折”这就是一个好的答案(特别是在Part3),而加粗的词,是得分的关键点 。
要快速的提高这一点,就要尽量的举例子,给出具体的事物,用名词实词,不要说虚幻的形容词 。同时一定要记得提前针对话题卡来进行预习 。
就是你说话要有层次或有条理 。我们用中文交流的时候,不太会在乎别人所用的连接词,但如果对方讲的话前因后果不对,或者把连接词用错,我们就会蒙圈 。这点在口语考试中也是一样的,你得让考官的思路跟着你,并且走的很顺 。
这一点也很好理解,并且建立在前两点之上,发音正确,语速适中,英音或美音语调,这一定要建立在一定量的练习之上,不可能一蹴而就 。
1. Repeat after a recording 复述练习
The Frst time you repeat it will probably be slower than the actual recording so keep repeating until you gain the same speed as the native speaker. Be aware that you may need to use sound links, contractions and weakened forms to match their speed.
通常第一次做复述练习时,念的速度会比较慢,你必须重复练习,直到你讲话的速度与以英语为母语的使用者的速度一致 。练习速度时你必须同时活用“连音”、“缩略语”以及“弱读音” 。
2. Repeat the same topic 重复练习相同的主题
The first time you say a Part 2 topic, for example, you will produce a somewhat slow response with little information. The more often you repeat it, the more fluently your response should come out. Remember when you begin to produce more fluent answers, you will need to add more information to ensure that you keep talking for 1-2 minutes.
刚开始练习口语测试的Part 2时,你的反应会较慢,头脑中的资料会比较少,重复练习可以改善这种状况 。记住,当你讲得比较流利后,你就必须提供充分的资料来让你的回答足以持续~2分钟 。
3. Use it or lose it 尽可能使用新词汇
The reason why you pause or hesitate is often in search of vocabulary which is not readily available to you. The more you use a word, the more likely it will become active vocabulary. By the same token if you never use a word that you have learnt, it is destined to be forgotten.
通常你在口试时停顿或犹豫,是因为你正在脑海里寻找合适的词汇 。平时多练习使用学过的词汇,词汇才会真正属于你 。
4. Focus on English, not IQ 专注在英文能力上
Another reason why you may break down is that you have no opinion.As a student about to study your Master's Degree, of course you want to sound very educated and knowledgeable, but remember IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System, it's not an IQ test. Examiners are testing your English not your intelligence. If you can't think of a smart response, then say something obvious, boring, or even stupid but use good English while you are doing so. Saying something is better than nothing. If you say nothing then you lose points in each criterion, not just fluency. If you say something stupid, you will still gain points in each criterion. The only thing you may lose is face but who cares? You'll never see the examiner again.
导致你在发言中停顿的另一个原因是因为你没有自己的看法 。参加IELTS测试的考生多半是为了攻读硕士,当然会希望自己听起来是个有知识的人 。但请牢记,IELTS考查的是你的英文能力,而非智力 。万一实在没有好的想法,或只有一些无趣、甚至愚蠢的想法,还是要尽量开口说,因为随便说也比什么都不说好 。
5. Read, read, read 阅读各类型的文章
Again if you break down due to a lack of opinions then start reading up on a variety of topics and pay particular attention to different people's opinions. Nobody ever has a totally original opinion-everyone copies and adapts a number of ideas from various people when formulating their own opinion.
如果你是因为缺乏想法而导致回答停顿的话,那你必须开始阅读各种类型的文章,并多注意别人所发表的意见 。没有人天生就是文思泉涌的,每个人都是参考别人的各种想法并将其转换成自已的意见 。
6. Don't be shy for 11-14 minutes 暂时抛开害羞的个性
Even if you are shy in your native country using your native language-a person known to be of few words, you will have to change your personality for a mere 11~14 minutes as the examiner can only make an evaluation of what he/she hears. Again, if they hear nothing or very little, then it will affect each criterion. Try to be as tallcative as possible and say as much as possible.
如果你是个害羞或不善言辞的人,那你必须在口试的11~14分钟里暂时抛开你害羞的个性,尽可能让自己表现得像个能言善辩的人 。
7. Use signpost expressions 使用“指引性”的词语
Signpost expressions are words that give the listener some direction, for example: Firstly, By this I mean, For instance, In contrast, To be honest. All these expressions give the listener some idea of what kind of information to expect next, which makes it easier to follow and understand the conversation.
使用一些“指引性”的词语,给听者指引方向,让听者能立即且清楚地知道你要表达的信息,例如:Firstly(首先)、By this I mean(我的意思是)、For instance(例如)、In contrast(相反)、To be honest(老实说) 。