简单的英语口语对话句子 简单的英语口语交际对话文章

简单的英语口语对话句子 简单的英语口语交际对话文章

英语口语练习最重要的就是说出来,为了帮助到大家更好的学习,下面是小编就分享一些英语口语对话短文,大家可以进行多家练习,希望能对大家有所帮助 。
C=Customer S= Salesperson
C: Excuse me, I’m looking for your casual short-sleeved shirts. Can you tell me where those are?
S: Right over here, sir. What-size do you wear?
C: Medium.
顾客:中号 。
S: These here are all mediums.
店员:这里全是中号的 。
C: Thank you. I think I’ll take this one, and these pants as well. They’re presents for a friend.
顾客:谢谢 。我要买这件衬衫和这条裤子,它们是要送给朋友的礼物 。
S: Shall I gift-wrap them for you, sir?
【简单的英语口语对话句子 简单的英语口语交际对话文章】店员:先生,需要把它们装成礼盒吗?
C: Yes, please. ( to be continued)
顾客:好的,谢谢 。(待续)
大嘴: A medical experts published a book ,which found a laundry list of excuses for men’s derailments.
最近一位法国医学专家刚刚推出一本书,为男性的出轨行为找出了一箩筐理由 。
脸盆: Men are always the wreckers, oppositely women are victims.Men actually have so many excuses.
肇事的总是男人,受伤的总是女人,男人竟然还有这么多理由 。
大嘴: Sexual desire always corrodes men’s souls.
性欲一直腐蚀着男人的灵魂 。
脸盆: It is the mistake according to the medical expert.
在这位法国医学专家看来,这是女人对男人的误解 。
大嘴: He thought that men look for the women who resemble their mothers so much in unconscious minds.
他认为男人在潜意识中是在寻找与母亲相近的女人 。
脸盆: The more absurd one is the problem followed, which caused by pending contradictions between mothers and sons.
更荒谬的是此后的婚姻出现问题,也多是由于和母亲之间一些悬而未决的问题导致的 。
大嘴: Does he mean that mothers influence their sons ?
脸盆: So many contentions.
争议很大啊 。
大嘴: The social phenomenon can not be explained by the only reason.
这种社会现象不能用一种原因来解释 。
脸盆: Yeah,his remark is apparently so extreme.
是的,他的`说法显然很偏激 。
Bob: Hi, Tom. Do you know that the suicide rate in Japan keeps ranking high among the world’s leading countries?
嗨,汤姆 。你知道日本的自杀率一直居高不下吗?
Tom: Yeah, I have heard of it.
嗯,听说过了 。
Bob: Why do so many Japanese commit suicide?
Tom: I think it must be the tremendous stress of society. What’s more, Japan is a small-size country with a large population and this increases the pressure on them.
我想可能是巨大的社会压力 。再加上日本国土面积小人口多,这加重了他们的压力 。
Bob: Do you think being alive is an easy thing?
Tom: Actually, I don’t think so. Nowadays, it becomes more and more difficult to live well without great efforts.
事实上,我并不这么认为 。现在,如果没有好好努力是没法过好日子的 。
Bob: But I think choosing death really needs great courage.
Tom: Really, I think being alive needs more courage. You know, we have to suffer a lot physically and psychologically when we are alive. But we end our sufferings when we die.
是吗?我觉得活着需要更大的勇气 。你知道的,活着时总是要经受身体上和精神上的折磨 。但是死了以后,一切痛苦也就结束了 。
Bob: It sounds reasonable. But we all don’t know what the world would be like after we die. Maybe it’s a world more miserable than this world.
听起来挺有道理的 。但是我们都不知道死后的世界是怎么样,也许那是个比这个世界更惨的世界呢 。
Tom: Yeah, it seems that it is a perennial question.
看来这是个永恒的问题了 。
上述就是为大家分享的有关简单英语口语对话短文,希望可以帮助到正在学习的学员,进一步提升英语口语练习的能力,顺利通过考试 。