人生十件事情 一生必做的事

人生十件事情 一生必做的事


What Are The Top 10 Things I Should Experience In Life?一生中最该做的10件事是什么?
[email protected] Ramteke
1.Take an Adventure – Try a solo trip 来一场冒险,一场个人旅行 。
2.Live Alone独居 。
3. Perform on stage尝试舞台表演 。
4.Time without Internet/Mobile/Vehicle 过一段没有网络、手机、交通工具的日子 。
5.Learn something 学习新技能 。
6.Cook for yourself 为自己做顿饭 。
7.Help Someone帮助别人 。
8.Follow Traffic Rules遵守交通规则 。
9.Fall in Love – Love someone unconditionally恋爱,无条件爱对方 。
10.Do what you want to do!做你任何你想做的 。
[email protected] Perlman Fink
Go on a Road Trip and get into a little bit of trouble.驾车旅行,途中可能遇到点麻烦 。
Watch a lot of movies.看很多很多电影 。
Get Over Yourself. Do Something You’re Really Afraid to Do.挑战自己,做自己不敢做的事 。
Go out into the woods or somewhere that doesn’t have an Internet connection and, prepare yourself because this is scary, disconnect from it for at least a week.到森林或者任何没有通讯网络的地方,这需要充足的心里准备,因为这有点可怕,持续一周不与外界联系 。
Volunteer to host Thanksgiving even if you’ve never made a turkey in your whole life.自愿主持一场感恩节,即使你从没自己烤过一只火鸡 。Learn Something New学点新技能 。
Try Something Totally Out of Your Comfort Zone做点挑战底线的事 。
Sex.性 。
Go skinny dipping.裸泳 。
Go to a fortune teller so you can get that out of the way. 去算算命,没准可能转运 。
[email protected] Bartine
Have at least one “big” win in your career在工作事业上至少去的一项巨大成功 。
Pursue and be in deep and meaningful relationships追求深厚而又有意义的关系 。
Raise your own children抚养孩子 。
Continuously read great books and learn their lessons坚持读书并且有所体会 。
Challenge your body physically挑战身体极限 。
Meet your ideal mentor, and make yourself worthy of his or her guidance去见你的良师,去告诉他他的指引很有价值 。
Learn how to work hard. 学会如何努力 。
Dream big拥有大梦想 。
【人生十件事情 一生必做的事】Learn how to relax .学会放松自己 。