
Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格日前宣布,将把母公司更名为Meta(元),并希望人们将其视为“元宇宙公司”,暗示了Facebook对元宇宙的雄心 。Facebook总部的标志牌也已经更换为代表Meta的蓝色无限符号 。
Facebook has changed its corporate name to Meta as part of a major rebrand.
Facebook正式宣布将公司名更改为Meta 。
The company said it would better ‘encompass’ what it does, as it broadens its reach beyond social media into areas like virtual reality (VR).
该公司称,这个新名字能更好地“包容”旗下业务,不光是社交媒体,还有虚拟现实等即将拓展的新领域 。
The change does not apply to its individual platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp, only the parent company that owns them.
公司旗下的Facebook、Instagram和Whatsapp等单个平台将不会更名,只有母公司才使用Meta这个新名称 。
The move follows a series of negative stories about Facebook, based on documents leaked by an ex-employee.
此前Facebook遭遇了由前员工泄露的文件引发的一连串负面新闻 。
Frances Haugen has accused the company of putting ‘profits over safety’.
(前员工)弗兰西斯·豪根指责Facebook“将利益凌驾于安全之上” 。
In 2015, Google restructured its company calling its parent firm Alphabet, however, the name has not caught on.
2015年,谷歌重组了公司,并将母公司更名为Alphabet,不过这个名称没有广为流传 。
Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg announced the new name as he unveiled plans to build a ‘metaverse’ – an online world where people can game, work and communicate in a virtual environment, often using VR headsets.
Facebook老板马克·扎克伯格宣布新名称的同时还公布了打造“元宇宙”的计划 。“元宇宙”是人们可以在虚拟环境中(通常通过佩戴虚拟现实头盔)玩游戏、工作和交流的一个网络世界 。
He said the existing brand could not ‘possibly represent everything that we’re doing today, let alone in the future’, and needed to change.
扎克伯格表示,现有的品牌名称无法“代表我们现在所做的所有业务,更不用说将来的业务”,所以需要更改 。
‘Over time, I hope that we are seen as a metaverse company and I want to anchor our work and our identity on what we’re building towards,’ he told a virtual conference.
扎克伯格在一次线上会议上说:“随着时间推移,我希望我们被视为一家元宇宙公司,并打算将我们的工作和身份定位于我们正在构建的目标 。”
The company also unveiled a new sign at its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, on Thursday, replacing its thumbs-up ‘Like’ logo with a blue infinity shape.
本周四(10月28日),该公司还在加州门洛帕克的总部公开了新标识,将竖起大拇指的“点赞”标识牌更换成了蓝色无限符号标识牌 。
Mr Zuckerberg said the new name reflects that over time, users will not need to use Facebook to use the company’s other services.
扎克伯格称,新名字意味着,未来用户无需使用Facebook也可以使用公司的其他服务 。
The word ‘meta’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘beyond’.
Meta一词来自希腊语,意思是“超越” 。
To an outsider, a metaverse may look like a version of VR, but some people believe it could be the future of the internet.
对圈外人士而言,元宇宙也许像虚拟现实的一个版本,但是有些人认为这将是互联网的未来 。
Instead of being on a computer, people in a metaverse might use a headset to enter a virtual world connecting all sorts of digital environments.
元宇宙中的人无需使用电脑,戴上头盔便可以进入虚拟世界和各种数字环境相连 。
It is hoped the virtual world could be used for practically anything from work, play and concerts, to socialising with friends and family.
【facebook公司是做什么的 facebook公司全称】人们希望可以在虚拟世界中做几乎所有事情,包括工作、游戏、听音乐会以及和亲友社交 。
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