Snow Day snow day是什么意思

Snow Day snow day是什么意思

【Snow Day snow day是什么意思】大家好,小耶来为大家解答以上的问题 。snow day是什么意思,Snow Day这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、A Snow DayIt was the third day of the First Lunar Month in the year. Snow was falling fast. Large snow flakes swirled in the strong north winds, cutting the faces of people walking in the snow. One would feel a shudder. It is the day for the married women who lost their moms or dads to pay a visit to their former families. The ground was covered with a layer of snow about 20 centimeters and everything was looking white. To walk on the ground would be quite difficult. It’s not easy for them to pull out their legs from the thick snow and make other steps further on the ground. Sometimes they fell on the snow, although they were not hurt much since the ground had a soft cover of deep snow, they would lose much of their energy after a long struggle on the ground. They couldn’t cheer themselves up, since that day was the Third of the first Lunar Month. They had no time to enjoy the natural scene with snow, but felt much regret on the unfortunate date. 。
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