
1、I guess I could, but I don't want to surprise him. 我想我可以,但我不想让他感到惊讶 。
2、She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. 她说这个人有心脏病应该去医院 。
3、Although she's wrong , it,s not a big deal. 虽然她错了,但这并不是什么大事儿 。
4、与一般过去时的区别:一般过去时是强调动作在过去发生,而现在完成时是强调过去发生的动作对 现在造成了影响和后果 。
5、— What were you doing at eight last night? 昨晚8点你在干什么?
6、She won't be happy if she sees this mess. 如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴的 。
7、When it began to rain, Ben was helping his mom make dinner. 当开始下雨的时候,本正在帮他妈妈做晚饭 。
8、I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了 。
9、Why don’t you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?
10、What should she do? 她该怎么办呢?
11、The boy could give out food at the food bank. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物 。
12、Could you please clean your room? 你能打扫一下你的房间吗?
13、Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔 。
14、My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV .我一在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了 。
15、表示过去某时间正在进行的动作或持续的行为,常和表过去的时间状语连用 。
【八年级下册英语复习知识点精选29条】 16、在含for或since引导的时间状语的现在完成时中,谓语动词只能用延续性动词 。非延续性动词不能直接和for或since 连用 。
17、Why don't you forget about it? 你为什么不忘掉它呢?
18、Why not do ... ? Thanks!
19、He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. 每周六上午,他都在一'家动物医院当志愿者 。
20、反问部分的be动词,助动词或情态动词要与陈述句部分一致 。
21、Should I take my temperature? 我应该量一下体温吗?
22、For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 整整一周,她什么家务活都不干了,我也一样 。
23、I hate to do chores. 我不喜欢做杂务 。
24、I have to do some work. 我必须干些活 。
25、You helped to make it possible for me to have Luck. 在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿” 。
26、I studied until midnight last night so I didn't get enough sleep. 我昨晚学习到半夜所以睡眠不足 。
27、Could I use your computer? 我可以用一下你的电脑吗?
28、Maybe you could go to his house. 也许你可以去他家 。
29、Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. 清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间 。