主食吃太多不利于长寿?研究:每顿饭把主食控制在这个量最长寿!( 三 )

但是维生素B6补充剂要注意用量 , 因为过量服用很有可能会造成神经损伤 , 从而出现视力模糊、疲劳等不良反应 。

【1】Xiang L Wu M Wang Y Liu S Lin Q Luo G Xiao L. Inverse J-Shaped Relationship of Dietary Carbohydrate Intake with Serum Klotho in NHANES 2007–2016. Nutrients. 2023; 15(18):3956.
【2】Staple Food Preference and Obesity Phenotypes:The Regional Ethnic Cohort Study in Northwest China.
【3】The associations of glycosylated hemoglobin with grey matter volume and depression: Investigating mediating role of grey matter volume.