price|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】移动疫苗接种车开进社区、北京市核酸检测单检降至24.9元......

price|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】移动疫苗接种车开进社区、北京市核酸检测单检降至24.9元......

COVID-19 vaccination of elderly residents in Beijing is progressing in an orderly manner. In some communities, in order to help more seniors get vaccinated, mobile vaccination vehicles have been brought into the community. Designated staff is helping seniors with inconvenient mobility. Shuttle buses are available for short-distance transfers.
北京市老年人的新冠病毒疫苗接种工作正在有序进行中 。 在一些社区 , 为了帮助更多老年人接种新冠疫苗 , 移动疫苗接种车直接开进社区 。 对于不方便下楼的老年人 , 社区会有专门的工作人员帮助老年人下楼 。 此外 , 还有暖心摆渡车 , 帮助腿脚不便的老年人进行短距离接送 。
The price of nucleic acid tests in Beijing was further lowered. The maximum price of COVID-19 nucleic acid test in public medical institutions in Beijing has been reduced from 35 yuan to 24.9 yuan, and the price of mixed testing has been reduced from 8 yuan to 5.9 yuan per person. According to the Beijing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau, the price is currently at the lowest level in the country.
北京核酸检测价格进一步下调 。 北京市公立医疗机构新冠病毒核酸检测单样本价格由每次35元降低至24.9元 , 混合检测价格由每样本8元降低至5.9元 。 市医保局介绍 , 该价格为最高政府指导价 , 目前价格处于全国最低水平 。
price|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】移动疫苗接种车开进社区、北京市核酸检测单检降至24.9元......

Construction of the steel structure of Beijing’s Workers Stadium was recently completed. The canopy structure shaped like a bow uses 16,400 tons of steel. Its six functions are shade, light, water supply and drainage, snow melting, photovoltaic power generation, sound absorption and noise reduction. Construction will be fully completed by the end of this year. The venue will host the opening and closing ceremonies and final match of the AFC Asian Cup in 2023.
北京工人体育场改造复建项目钢结构施工顺利完成 。 新增罩棚是改造复建最大亮点之一 , 采用了大开口空间单层拱壳钢结构形式 , 总用钢量约1.64万吨 。 它集成了遮阳、照明、给排水、融雪、光伏发电和吸声降噪等六大功能 。 按照计划 , 新工体预计12月全面完工 , 迎接明年6月的亚洲杯 。
Four colleges and universities from Beijing plan to build new campuses in Xiong’an New Area, Hebei province. On April 7, Beijing University of Science and Technology started the solicitation of design schemes for its Xiong’an campus. On March 28, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) launched the solicitation for the design stating that the new campus will cover an area of 1.07 square km. Previously, Beijing Forestry University and Beijing Jiaotong University released recruitment announcements for their Xiong’an campuses.
截至目前 , 共有4所在京高校明确将建雄安校区 。 4月7日 , 北京科技大学启动雄安校区总体规划方案征集活动 。 3月28日 , 中国地质大学(北京)也启动了雄安校区总体规划方案征集(竞赛)活动 , 总占地面积1600亩 。 此前 , 北京林业大学和北京交通大学也先后发布面向雄安校区的招聘公告 。
Construction of a digital industry community will begin near Beijing Daxing International Airport by the end of 2022. This project is only 2 kilometers away from the Daxing Airport and is planned to be completed within 2 to 3 years. The 250,000 square meters digital industry community will host new technology displays, an intelligent information processing center and a cross-border data service center. It will focus on cross-border e-commerce, digital healthcare, digital consumption and autonomous driving.