制定一些计划英语怎么说 实现计划的英语表达

制定一些计划英语怎么说 实现计划的英语表达

定计划是为了更好地管理自己的时间,也是为了节省时间,并且减少麻烦 。下面,为大家送上一些关于定计划的英语口语表达用语,希望对大家有用 。
When is it convenient for you? 方便的
I’m free on Friday.
What is a good time for you?
When is good for you?
About what time? 什么时候?
Whenever.什么时候都行 。
Jack, what time do you want to go bowling? 保龄球
Whenever. I’m free all day.
Whenever you are free.
Any day is okay. 哪天都行 。
Any day of the week is fine.
Anytime is fine.
When you have time. 等你有时间的 。
I’m free today. 我今天有空 。
I have a lot of free time today.
I have nothing to do today.
I’ll be busy tomorrow.明天我会很忙 。
How about tomorrow?
Sorry, I’ll be busy tomorrow.
How about the tenth? 10号怎么样?
When are you free? 你什么时候有空?
Friday after 3:00. 星期五3点以后有空
When should we go?
When are you available?
That’s a bad day for me. 那天我不行 。
That day is fine. 那天我可以 。
When can I come over? 我什么时候去合适?
*come over“顺便拜访” 。
When can I visit?
When can I stop by? ..去你那儿坐坐?
You decide when.你定时间吧 。
I’ll leave it up to you. 全交给你了 。
It’s your decision. 你定吧 。
You decide where.你定地点吧 。
【制定一些计划英语怎么说 实现计划的英语表达】Wherever you want is okay.
Is seven convenient for you? 7点行吗?
When should I come?Is seven okay for you?
When can you come over?你几点能来?
What time can you make it?
Is it too early? /Is it too late?
It’s a date. 就那天吧 。
Okay, see you then. 行,到时候见 。
Let’s meet tomorrow at 7:30.
See you then.
以上就是为大家介绍的关于定计划的英语口语表达用语,大家可以进行有效的练习掌握,提升自己的口语学习能力 。更多英语口语学习知识,大家可以关注沪江网查询 。