新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......( 二 )

2021年全年 , 京津冀三地实现地区生产总值9.6万亿元 。 其中北京、河北经济总量双双突破4万亿元 。 冬奥带动京津冀三地“冰雪热” 。 截至去年年底 , 张家口市累计引进冰雪产业项目109项 , 总投资556亿元 , 建成大型滑雪场9家 , 雪道177条、总长度164公里 。 自申办冬奥成功以来 , 北京延庆区共接待冰雪旅游和冰雪运动游客829.9万人次 , 实现冰雪体育旅游收入5.64亿元 。 随着“冰雪专线”京张高铁建成通车 , 张家口市正式融入首都1小时生活圈 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

As a joint effort made by multiple government departments, 103 ‘Homes for Migrant Workers’ opened in Beijing over the past year. Facilities including microwave, fitness equipment and library are available in these “homes” in the Donghuashi subdistrict in Dongcheng District. Deliverymen and ride-hailing drivers can enjoy a set meal at the cost of 12 yuan and take a rest there. Beijing plans to set up more such “homes” under the model of ‘1+N’, with one at a district level and more in communities and villages.
北京市多部门联动 , “务工人员之家”遍地开花 , 目前已经建成103家了 。 在东花市街道务工人员之家站内的设施小到微波炉 , 大到健身器械、图书馆等 , 都是依托辖区资源共享的便利 。 务工人员在这里可以花12块钱吃到25块钱标准的午餐 , 还可以休息 。 北京将因地制宜 , 建立“1+N”模式 , 即各区在设置1个区级务工人员之家的基础上 , 再设置一批街道(乡镇)、社区(村)和企业服务站 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

Beijing Municipal Commission of Transportation dealt with 1857 complains related to shared bicycles in 2021, mainly focusing on fee disputes and service quality. 26,400 complaints were reported at the district level, 70% were about the improper parking of shared bicycle. The complaint rate in central area in the capital saw a 50% decline, during the peak season from April to October, 12 major spots received no complaints for three consecutive months. A survey conducted by a third-party agency showed that 92% of Beijing residents are satisfied with the management of shared bicycle in the capital.
2021年市交通委共办理有关共享单车的12345投诉合计1857件 , 主要集中在费用纠纷和企业服务两方面 。 各区共办理约2.64万件 , 其中70%以上投诉均为车辆乱停乱放问题 。 经过市区街三级的共同努力 , 中心城区重点地区的投诉量下降50% , 骑行旺季(4—10月)有12个重点轨道站点实现连续三个月投诉清零 。 根据第三方机构的调查结果 , 关于共享单车问题的市民满意度达92% 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

A pilot project was launched in Beijing to upgrade public spaces neighboring schools this year, aiming to create a safer, friendlier and healthier environment around campuses. According to the plan, renovation of the public space outside the south gate of the high school affiliated with Beijing Medical University will be completed in October this year. Taking the needs of students into consideration, the design team designed an English corner, a theater, a waiting area for parents and a discussion area. A convenient path to the subway station will also be added, as well as a variety of multifunctional activity spaces for elderly residents living in the area.
今年北京市试点学校周边公共空间改造提升 。 学校周边公共空间将通过优化校园周边慢行系统 , 设计建设更多符合校园特点的多样化休闲设施 , 营造更安全、更友好、更健康的校园周边环境 。 根据规划 , 北京医学院附属中学南侧入口的书香公共空间项目将在今年10月完工 。 根据学生需求 , 设计团队设计了英语角、剧场、家长等待区、讨论区等空间 , 增添到地铁站的便捷穿行路径 , 设置交流区等多样灵活的活动空间 , 为周边老人提供林下坐憩空间 。