新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......( 三 )

新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

After 4 years of renovation, the ancient structures of Wanshou Temple will reopen to the public this year. Nicknamed the‘mini Forbidden City in west Beijing’ , the temple is currently home to Beijing Art Museum. An exhibition featuring the original wooden and brick components replaced during the renovation will be launched in the museum, including a major crossbeam. Opened in 1987, Beijing Art Museum has collected around 120,000 pieces of art works of different ages.
修缮4年多 , 被称为“京西小故宫”的万寿寺古建筑群预计年内重新开放 。 北京艺术博物馆就坐落于万寿寺内 , 重新开放后 , 将在大禅堂后檐墙处布置万寿寺建筑构件展 , 其中最大的构件是万佛楼修缮时“抽梁换柱”换下来的第三根大梁 。 北京艺术博物馆现收藏各类历代艺术品约12万件 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

Beijing will conduct a survey of springs, concerning the distribution, type, amount and quality of water, as well as suitability for drinking. The capital will also establish a monitoring network of key spring and a protection management mechanism, in a bid to form a long-term effective management system for springs. Water was seen again in 81 dried springs in Beijing in 2021. Underground water level has been rising for six consecutive years, with a cumulative rise of 9.36 meters and an increase in reserves of 4.79 billion cubic meters in Beijing.
今年 , 本市将启动泉水调查 , 泉眼的分布、泉眼的性质、水质如何、水量怎样、是否适合饮用等等都要建立台账 。 同时 , 还要推进建立重点泉域监测站网、探索建立泉水保护管理制度体系 , 形成泉水管理长效机制 。 2021年 , 北京81处泉眼复涌 , 地下水位连续六年止跌回升 , 累计回升9.36米 , 增加储量47.9亿立方米 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

Residents in Longcheng community in Huilongguan subdistrict planted flower seeds at home on the day of the lunar term Chunfen. The flowers will be relocated to a 12,000 square meters community garden. Over 1000 residents took part in the activity; those with rich experience in gardening will take care of the flowers in the garden in the future.
春分那天 , 昌平区回龙观街道龙城社区的居民在家种下了一粒花种 , 长出的秧苗将移进小区的共建“花海”中 。 在“千人万花”计划中 , 居民加入“选种队” , 领取花种回家培育 。 经验丰富的养花人报名加入花海协会 , 成为养护队员 。
来源:北京日报 北京青年报 北京晚报 北京新闻广播
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【新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......】重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00