新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

March 24 marks the 27th World Tuberculosis Day. According to Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 6,717 tuberculosis patients were reported in Beijing in 2021. The reported cases rate is 30.7 per 100,000 people. Beijing remains one of the areas in China with the lowest tuberculosis rate. In 2021, 27.6% of TB patients were over 65 years old and the migrant population accounted for 38.1% of the total, setting challenge for the capital in terms of the prevention and control of tuberculosis.
3月24日是第27个世界防治结核病日 , 采访人员从北京市疾控中心了解到 , 2021年本市报告肺结核患者6717例 , 报告发病率为30.7/10万 , 继续保持为全国结核病疫情最低地区之一 。 2021年报告肺结核患者中 , 65岁以上老年人占27.6% 。 此外 , 登记管理的肺结核患者中流动人口占38.1% , 是肺结核患者全程规范管理的难点 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

All Winter Olympic and Paralympic themed decorations and urban landscapes will be removed before April 1st. BingDwenDwen and XueRhonRhon, the mascots of Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, in various locations will be relocated to parks as part of the Games’ legacy. People will be able to see them in the Olympic Forest Park, while the two mascots displayed in Shougang Park will meet the public in the Beijing Winter Olympic Park.
4月1日前 , 北京范围内的冬奥春节城市景观布置将全部撤除完毕 。 考虑到市民对冰墩墩、雪容融的喜爱 , 原本摆放在街头花坛内的这两个可爱的小家伙 , 将被“搬”到北京部分公园继续展示 , 满足市民的观赏需求 。 原本摆放在奥林匹克园区的冰墩墩、雪容融吉祥物 , 撤除后将放置到奥林匹克森林公园继续展示;而首钢园区的冰墩墩、雪容融吉祥物撤除后 , 将来到北京冬奥公园继续与游客见面 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

As of 3pm on March 23, a total of 60.023 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in Beijing, with 22.844 million people vaccinated. A total of 15 million people received booster shots in the city. 8.696 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered to a total of 3.299 million people aged 60 and above, of whom 2.379 million have completed booster shots. The first dose of COVID-19 vaccine coverage rate has reached 40% among over 48,000 elderly people living in elderly care facilities in Beijing.
截至3月23日15时 , 北京市累计报告接种新冠疫苗达到6002.3万剂次 , 累计接种2284.4万人 。 本市加强免疫累计接种也达到1500.1万人 。 60岁及以上老年人累计接种新冠疫苗869.6万剂次 , 其中237.9万人完成加强免疫接种 。 本市在养老服务机构入住的老年人第一剂新冠疫苗接种率达40% 。
新闻|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?冰墩墩雪容融搬“新家”、本市新冠疫苗接种突破6000万剂......

In 2021, GDP of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region reached 9.6 trillion yuan. GDP of Beijing and Hebei both exceeded 4 trillion yuan. The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics were among the main driving forces behind the economic growth in the region. By the end of 2021, 109 winter sports related projects were introduced in Zhangjiakou city, with a total investment of 55.6 billion yuan. Nine large-scale ski resorts with 177 slopes and a total length of 164 kilometers were built in Zhangjiakou. Commute time between Beijing and Zhangjiakou was reduced to only one hour thanks to the Jingzhang High Speed Railway. Yanqing district in Beijing has received 8.299 million winter sports tourists since 2015, generating a revenue of 564 million yuan.