Spring-pancake or chunbing is a traditional Chinese food unique to the northern regions. Eating spring pancakes is a customary way to celebrate the coming of spring.
Spring pancakes are the low-budget vegetarian's version of Peking duck. The pancake is slightly thicker than those used for duck, and it is seasoned with not only savory brown sauce and spring onions, but also piled with any combination of a plentiful selection of stir-fried and marinated dishes, before being rolled up tight for spill-free eating.
(沪江君:油锅里一炸,就成了老外眼中大名鼎鼎的中国“春卷” 。)
枣糕 Date Cake
枣糕又叫“子推饼”,北方一些地方用酵糟发面,夹枣蒸食 。他们还习惯将枣饼制成飞燕形,用柳条串起挂在门上,可以冷食,以纪念介子推不求名利的高尚品质 。
- 炒菜时放糖、醋、料酒最佳时间
- 吃黑穿黑亦有情教你做碗有情调的黑芝麻糊
- 接种|近8000名女生报名,高校:安排!
- 疫情|【健康科普】新冠肺炎疫情常态化防控防护指南之居家篇
- 肾脏病|科学养生:尽量多吃4种食物,有助于身体健康,早知道早好
- 团队|蛋白质要多吃,种类还得全!南方医科大团队发现,充分摄入不同食物来源的蛋白质,与高血压风险最高下降66%有关
- 检测|湖北鄂州发现1例阳性感染者
- 春季的水果适合养生口感好,准备3种富贵果,寓意富贵健康如意
- 胆固醇|能降低胆固醇的食物有不少,这几个作用比较大,日常生活能常吃
- 肝脏|8种食物被称为“强肝王”,医生:春季或可养肝,益多吃