【pay the piper是什么意思 承担费用英文】pay the piper是什么意思
pay the piper基本解释
v. 承担费用;请客作东
pay the piper的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
They who listen to such music may expect to have to pay the piper .
倾听这种音乐的人则势必要出钱 。
Don ‘t drink and drive . Otherwise you ‘ll have to pay the piper .
不要酒后驾车,否则你会付出代价的 。
Men seldom flatter without some private end in view and they who listen to such music may expect to have to pay the piper .
谄媚人的人很少是没有自私打算的,而倾听这种音乐的人则势必要出钱 。
Dick wasted much of the fund owing to mismanagement so now he must pay the piper .
由于管理不善,迪克浪费了大量资金,所以,现在他必须承担后果 。
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