装运通知商务英语信函 装运通知函电及范文

【装运通知商务英语信函 装运通知函电及范文】装运通知的外贸函电怎么写?在发货的同时,需要就发货事宜给对方发一封信函和电报,提醒对方做好接收的准备,也是后期出现矛盾时的文书之一 。装运通知的外贸函电怎么写?
We are sending you today by the American Railway Express, pre-paid, the following books.
我们已于今日,将下列书籍通过美国的铁路快运您处,运费已付 。
The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will beready for shipment tomorrow.
该货可以立即交付,准备明日装船 。
We advise you of the following shipment for your account,per m. s.“Izumo Maru” for your port,100 bdls. cane, against the contract No.234,dated March 14th,2005.
根据2005年3月14日签署的第234号合同,我们已将100捆藤料装“出云号”货轮,运往你地,请贵公司付费,特此通知 。
We herewith send you the goods ordered last week,and hope you will find same satisfactory. Your further orders will receive our prompt attention.
上周所订购的货物已发运,希望贵公司会感到满意 。愿继续服务 。